Winter is a tough season for a lot of us. If you aren’t a cold weather person, winters can seem long, dark, and gloomy. With that in mind, I put together a list of 7 tips to cozy up your home for the winter months.
I have so many friends in Colorado who live for the winter. They are all skiers and/or snow boarders and winter is truly their favorite season of all. I get that but not being a particularly coordinated person to say the least, I have never learned to do either one. Yet over the years I have grown to consider the winter months as a time of renewal, reflection, and relaxation. To accomplish that, a cozy atmosphere is required.
1. Blankets/Throws
Nothing says cozy like a warm blanket or throw. Most days during the winter months, you will find me working from my favorite chair by the fire. I’ve always got my trusty throw pulled around me. My husband refers to it as my security blanket. He’s not wrong. After the crazy year that was 2020, security is a big part of my everyday concerns. 2020 reinforced my belief that a home needs to be a sanctuary. While physically, a throw itself does nothing but keep you warm, mentally it really does give a sense of security.

2. Pillows
Even before all the stay at home orders we dealt with last year, we’ve always spent a good part of the winter months inside. Movie nights are a common theme at our house when it’s cold outside. Invariably, someone falls asleep in a chair or on the couch. I’ve made sure there are pillows around to make things more comfortable. I’ve quit buying new pillows to use each season and simply use pillow covers to change the look. Less to store and easier to clean! Cozy!

3. Colors
The soft, muted, colors of the season go a long way to cozy up your home for winter. In years past, I moved straight from my Christmas decor into spring. I finally realized that by doing so, it made the winter landscape outside a bit more depressing. The stark contrast from the pretty colorful pastels inside, to the browns, whites, and grays outside, was profound to say the least. Adding a few natural and woodsy accessories are perfect for this time of year… lanterns and baskets are some of my favorites. The colors of the winter season are peaceful, calming, and incredibly warm when brought in from the cold!
4. Candlelight
Candlelight is the visual definition of the word cozy. While I tend to use more battery operated candles in my home these days, the effect is the same. The soft glow of a candle brings warmth to a room that has little to do with the temperature and much to do with the atmosphere. Candles go a long way in creating a warm and cozy feeling. I set the timers on my candles to come on every night at dusk. I love walking in from a winter outing and finding the house glowing with candlelight. It’s always the perfect welcome home!
5. Winter Scents
The sense of smell is so important in the quest to cozy up your home for winter. Your candles can accomplish this as well. I love the smell of a vanilla scented candle this time of year! I also tend to use my essential oil diffuser a lot these days. The smells of a walk through a pine forest adds a cozy feel from your corner by the fireplace. My post Aromatherapy for Winter has some great winter blends for you.

6. Winter Art
One of my favorite ways to bring a cozy feel to my home in the long winter months is by displaying winter art. Looking at a snowy scene on the wall makes the warmth you’ve created inside much more significant. Whether you have a treasured painting, a pretty canvas, or some simple winter printables, art is a great way to cozy up your home.

7. Winter Elements
Bringing in some outdoor elements is a simple way to add some warmth inside. Think pine cones, evergreen branches, or snow! A pine cone wreath, candle, or a basket full will go a long way to cozy up your winter home. Evergreen branches displayed in a vase or a basket provides a little bit of the green we are all starved for as we await spring.

I hope these tips will help you create a warm and cozy winter home of your own! One of my favorite quotes from Hal Borland says it all… “No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.” Spring will be here before you know it but don’t waste the beauty of this season waiting for its arrival!

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See you soon!
Just make sure your oil is pet friendly. Some oils like lavender and sicken you pet, esp a cat
Thanks so much Gail! Always!