I just wanted to share this facebook post from my daughter. She is currently living in San Diego, California which has issued a statewide “stay at home” order. It is a relief to me that she is taking this seriously and realizes no one is exempt.
March 18 Facebook Post – by Katie Markegard

You may be young and healthy but please don’t be ignorant. This is a virus that we as humans haven’t built an immunity to. It’s unfamiliar territory and it’s spreading rapidly! Let’s trust the professionals here — the ones working tirelessly to research, test cures, and care for those infected. They are the experts and know more than we do. We all have our opinions but facts are facts. It’s not only about what the media is saying. The warnings are everywhere for a reason. I’m paying closest attention to what those in the local healthcare field are reporting and they are taking this seriously. If you aren’t worried that doesn’t mean others aren’t and their concerns and fears aren’t valid. There are cancer patients, elderly people, and others in poor health who are afraid for good reason. On that note, good can come from the bad if we calmly work together towards a common goal and stay positive. A simple way to make these times a little brighter is through kindness, patience, and empathy. Remember that it’s not only about you and your well-being. What we should focus on as individuals is that each of us has the power to do our part and make a difference. We share this planet, we share communal areas, transportation, grocery stores, living quarters, food, air, etc. It’s crucial to take preventative measures, stay informed on progress/setbacks, and protect these spaces. It’s for the greater good and once we all do our part things will begin to improve. Stay home when you can. Order take-out sometimes to help small business stay afloat. At the store, if there are only two packs of toilet paper left, give one to someone else. SHARE. Create and put yourselves out there (on social media, of course!) If you have a talent, hone your skills and maybe even do a video for others to see. Take advantage of the numerous free online workouts offered. There are always opportunities to make self-quarantining more enjoyable. Let’s use this time to be considerate, nice to each other, and to better ourselves. That way when life resumes normally we have something to be proud of and inspired by. Namaste. — in San Diego, California.