Winter is a beautiful season! Yet for so many the winter blues set in right about now. I hear you! It might be time to indulge in a little aromatherapy to help yourself get through the winter months!

I am a summer person through and through. But I truly do see the beauty in each and every season. I try to embrace them all because if you think about it, when you hate the season you’re in, you are wasting 3 months of your life. If last year taught me anything, it is that tomorrow does not come with a guarantee. So I will not waste today wishing for another that won’t be here for months.

There are so many wonderful things that winter can bring to your life. A fresh snowfall that covers the ground lifts the spirits. A walk among the fir trees and the woodsy scent of pine brings a sense of renewal. Simply watching the snowfall from your perch by the fireplace fills your day with peace.

Depending on where you live, those things may not be possible. Even here in Colorado, unless you live in the mountains, we’ve had very little snow to speak of. But the sense of smell is a strong force. I’ve put together some of my favorite essential oil blends to share with you. While visually they accomplish nothing, ( you will need to use your imagination ), the fragrance makes me think of wonderful winters past.

I do not sell essential oils. Frankly, I don’t feel qualified to do so. There are so many different classifications, so many different brands and so many opinions on which one is the best. But as an avid user, I will swear by the benefits of aromatherapy.

I have several friends who are very into the health aspect of essential oils. Although it is a goal of mine to learn more on that, at the moment my focus is on the enjoyment of diffusing different blends.
My first diffuser was a gift and it took me months to actually decide to use it. I finally plugged it in one fall day when I realized I was completely out of my scented candle stash. My desire for the scent of pumpkin spice wafting through the house inspired me. I looked online, found a recipe with the oils I had on hand, and in minutes my house smelled like fall!
Last year, with a new puppy in the house, I used the diffuser almost daily. The fear of a rambunctious pup knocking over a candle was always in the back of my mind. We had a few close calls and while wax in the carpet is not the end of the world, I decided to just play it safe.

Since then, I have fallen in love with aromatherapy. My calming diffuser blends saw me through last year and made me a true believer. Those scents seemed to make the anxiety I felt so often while watching the evening news fall away. Although Lavender is not my favorite scent on it’s own, a good blend has amazing affects!

I love the calming blends. I use them whenever I can’t seem to relax on my own. Lately, however, my focus has turned more towards chasing away the winter blues. I have been working on doing that by creating a cozy atmosphere inside my home. Part of what accomplishes that is the sense of smell. Diffusing a great winter blend goes a long way towards cozy! I’ve shared a few of my favorites today.

Aromatherapy is a great way to chase away the winter blues. I have found these blends create a relaxing atmosphere and add so much to my cozy winter home. They remind me of the fresh clean air after a winter snowfall. Several stir up memories of trips to the mountains in the past. Diffusing these blends help me make the most of the winter season.

I have added these blends to the Printable Library should you wish to keep a copy handy. Always free to members, they will print as an 8×10 without the frame used for display purposes. Be sure to check out my latest post 7 Tips to Cozy Up Your Winter Home for more ideas to get you through the winter months.
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