Simple Ways to Fill Your Home with Valentine’s Day Charm

Valentine’s Day! The greatest day of the year if you’re with the one you love! But… Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romance. It’s a celebration of love in the broader sense. The love we feel for family, friends, and life in general. Today I’m sharing a few ideas to bring a little touch of Valentine’s Day charm to your home this year!

Valentine’s Day is not a holiday that I go overboard on when it comes to decorating. I love the day but I prefer to celebrate it quietly. A touch here and a touch there is really enough! With that said, it can be quite fun to add a little splash of the holiday around the house.

While for me, the seasons are most definitely “a tear the house apart and start over” kind of thing, I tend to decorate for a single holiday using the easy up/easy down method. (With the exception of Christmas of course! I have long maintained that Christmas is the “fifth” season!) At any rate, the goal of my one day holiday decor is to acknowledge the day without disturbing the overall seasonal look.

In the past, Valentine’s Day knick knacks shared space with my winter decor.

Since moving to Arizona, I have chosen to leave the boxes labeled “winter” packed away. I simply could not bring myself to spread evergreens branches and pine cones everywhere when it’s 80 degrees outside! This year, it will be intermingled with spring which went up when Christmas came down. Since rose/pink is my go to color this year, Valentine items coordinate nicely!

Tray Chic: Styling for the Holiday

In keeping with the easy up/easy down method, I tend to utilize a lot of different trays in my decorating efforts. Trays keep my items concentrated in one space and they can be easily moved out of sight when the day is over.

Of course, a tiered tray is always a must for me. They pack such a punch and are so easy to do!


Simply showcase your favorite items…

Don’t forget the greenery…

Add a little love and you’ve got the perfect holiday accent!

If a tiered tray isn’t handy, any tray will work if you stagger the heights of your items .


Keep in mind, there is no law that says Valentine’s Day colors must be pink or red. Blue was my color of choice when I joined a group of blogging friends for a “Valentine’s Day on a Tray” challenge a few years ago. If you can tell a story with a tray…now that’s the ultimate!

This was a truly fun one and it remains one of my favorites to date. If you missed that post, you can check it out here.

Small Touches, Big Impact

It’s amazing how quickly a room can take on that “Valentine” vibe with just a few small touches here and there!

With my spring decor already up, adding a few holiday accents was quite easy. Since the fireplace is always a focal point, it seemed the perfect place to start.


My leafy garland was already in place so I added a few checkered hearts here and there. I temporarily replaced my bunny picture with a wooden heart and added a fabric heart garland as well.

I changed the candle in the lantern to a pink one and added a small sign to change the look. A heart shaped pick stuck inside the flower pot brought a holiday look there as well.

I changed out a few of my spring pillow covers to add a splash of red.


The little checkered hearts looked adorable mixed in with the mossy balls for spring too!

Of course, the printable library came in handy as well.

As a final touch, I added a pretty Valentine print to the television!

In less than 30 minutes, the house has taken on the Valentine Vibe I was looking for.

I’m hoping there are a few ideas here that you can use in your own home for the holiday!

Before you leave today, check out my latest post, My New Creative Adventure, and see what else I’ve been up to lately.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

See you soon!

2 Replies to “Simple Ways to Fill Your Home with Valentine’s Day Charm”

    1. Thanks so much for visiting Deb! We’ve been dealing with a few health issues here lately so I haven’t had a chance to stop by. I will be over very soon though.. I always find such inspiration for every season at your house!

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