My heart goes out to the graduates this year. I am hoping for a miracle. A miracle that allows life to return to normal soon. A miracle, so that the Class of 2020 will get to go to their Senior Prom, so they can walk across the stage in front of all their classmates with an audience full of family members cheering on their achievements.
I want them to celebrate in the hallway of their high school. I want them to be able to shake hands and hug each other. To go to parties and carry out their senior prank. I am praying with all my heart that this happens. These things are so important!
This is uncharted territory for all of us. No one knows how long this will go on. At the moment, I have faith that school administrators are doing what they can for their kids. I’ve heard that several are planning ceremonies for later this summer, hoping that they can give their Class of 2020 a proper send off. Unfortunately, there is no way to predict whether they can go forward with that.
I feel helpless as I’m sure so many of you do. My kids graduated quite a while ago but I remember what a special time it was for them. I guess the best that we can do is be there and try and help them deal with the emotions that are all over the place right now.
I put together a playlist of the most used graduation songs during their lifetime. They can access it below. They will need to log in to Spotify to listen to the full tracks but they already know that! ( Moms, if you don’t have a Spotify account, you can sign up at the prompt and it is free. ) So many of the emotions they are feeling are portrayed in these songs. This year though, there are some emotions that no one else has had to deal with before. I wonder what songs will resonate with the Class of 2020 this year? Just FYI…the last song on this playlist is not for the seniors. It’s for the moms! This virus will pass and then in one way or another, moms will have to move to a new phase of their lives too. It’s hard…I KNOW…but you will find a way to make it a positive for both of you!
I have created some new inspirational printables in honor of our seniors. You can download and print as many as you would like. They are my gift to you. They are all formatted as 8×10’s and will print without the frame that I’ve used to display them. The password for everything in the library is at the bottom of my latest newsletter. If you are not a member, you can sign up below, confirm your subscription, and a welcome email with the password will be in your inbox within minutes.

There are several others in the library as well as a few new ones for spring. This Printable Library link will take you there.
There is still time for things to change. Our Class of 2020 might have the graduation they are hoping for. I hope they do! But…no matter what happens, just know, we are all so proud of each and every one of you!