With the house decorated for the new season, I’ve turned my attention to the front porch. My goal is to create an autumn porch that everyone will love.
I waited until the season was officially here to save myself some grief from one neighbor in particular (you know who you are!). Should there happen to be a snowfall early in the season, which is entirely possible, I do not want the blame for it. When that has happened in the past, I would receive a call saying “I told you not to decorate too early! Now look what you did!” So… I waited and today is the day!
Can You Ever Have Enough Pumpkins?
I think not! My outdoor approach to fall brings with it several pumpkins of all sizes. So I’m starting off this morning giving them all a nice bath! I use a vinegar and water mixture although I hear bleach works well. The point is to remove the dirt from the field which keeps them from rotting quicker.

Adding a clear sealer also helps preserve them longer. Once they start to spoil, they are fair game. Being in a bit of a hurry last year, I skipped this step and I might as well have rung the dinner bell!

Front Door Welcome
A welcome mat at the front door is always so important. I change it with the seasons and the fall mat with its buffalo checked truck is perfect for the theme inside.

Pumpkins, Pumpkins, and More Pumpkins
There is such a fun crop of pumpkins this year! I bought some for my vintage iron basket and several more to set around the porch. The orange ones will become jack-o-lanterns next month. With all the different colors and looks, pumpkins always seem to make people smile.

This bright yellow pumpkin is a favorite find! Of course it was in the very bottom of the box at the grocery store! Well worth the trouble though as it brings a certain flare with it.

I put a couple more at the base of my fall porch sign to help keep it standing when the inevitable gust of wind tries to take it down. Obviously, that’s experience talking!

Fall Flowers to Brighten the Day
The milk can that held a lantern last year, now holds some bright yellow mums. That same gust of wind that brought the sign down last year, also destroyed the lantern. I decided mums were a safer bet this time around!

I love adding mums of every color to the porch. So inexpensive and such a welcoming sight! They go a long way when creating an autumn porch that everyone will love I think!
Scarecrow Love
Did I mention how much I love scarecrows? I’m obsessed with them so I use several in my fall decor. Hay bales are the perfect spot to use for an entire family of them that come to visit each fall! Scarecrows, with their cute smiling faces, bring delight to any little people who happen along.

Garland, Leaves, and Lights
The lamppost is the perfect place for a pretty fall garland and some lights as well. This year a crow has landed right on top!

The lantern has a new fall bow and has been updated for the season as well.

Fall Throws and Pillows
I love to bring out my old white rocker from the shed this time each year. It adds a old time feel to the porch. Using fall throws and outdoor pillows are a great way to bring a little of the season to the porch as well.

We will still watch sunsets from the porch swing as long at the snow stays away! I’ve added a throw there for cooler evenings.

One last touch. Have you ever noticed that sometimes you remember something being better than it was? I pulled out my wreath, hung it up, stood back to admire it, and ugh!

So of course, I had to stop what I was doing, take it down, and get to work!

I added a buffalo check bow to tie it in with the theme throughout the house. Then removed pieces that had faded over the years in the sun. New leaves, a few pine cones, and some newer pumpkins and we’re good!

Welcome Fall! I’m ready!

Creating an autumn porch that everyone will love is easy with the right elements! It’s my hope that you will find some ideas here that will work for you. Be sure to check out the Create the Look section of the blog for links to some fall favorites and more ideas. And as long as you’re here… come on in and take my 2021 Welcome Fall Home Tour!

I hope you’ll join me as we decorate our way through this beautiful season. Your email added to the form below gives you immediate access to all the fall printables in the Printable Library. In addition, the weekly newsletter keeps you up to date on all the latest in seasonal decor. Thanks for visiting today and I hope to see you again soon!
So cute and clever.
Thanks Rebecca! I had so much with the porch this year!
What a welcoming, beautiful porch!!!
I love it, just love it!!
Thanks so much Diana! I’m so glad you like it!
How pretty! Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 35. Pinned!
Thank you Dee and thanks for the party!
So cute – love all the details and color! Great job!
Thanks so much Regina! I love the colors of fall!
You are definitely ready for fall, I especially like the wreath, makes me want to go shop for the doll. Your porch is very inviting!
Thank you for stopping by the #omhgww to share this week, be sure to stop by to share again!
Ps your post will be featured this week!! 🙂
Thank you Karen. You made my day! Have a wonderful week ahead!
Your porch looks amazing! Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJ’s.
Thank you Ann! Have a great day!
Your fall porch is so cozy even the wildlife love it. Where did you get your truck door mat?
Thanks so much Kippi! I wasn’t crazy about the mess she made but it really was fun having her so close. The door mat came from Amazon a few years ago but they still have it. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!
What a charming space you’ve created! Anyone who approaches your home is bound to feel welcome.
Thanks so much for joining the Grace at Home party at Imparting Grace. I’m featuring you this week!
I am sitting here shaking my head wondering what in heaven’s sake does decorating “too early” has to do with the first Snow Fall…..Here you WANT to decorate early Before the Snow starts to fall…..I probably would have decorated early just for spite!! LOL!! Your porch looks lovely and so inviting and please do not decorate according to what someone else tells you to do….You do you and don’t worry about your neighbors!! Who by the way, I would consider that neighbor very rude for saying such a thing to you!!
Thanks Deb! I think they just get a kick out of teasing me since I’m the only one on the cul-de-sac that changes things up for the seasons. It does sometimes seem like the snow comes as soon as I finish putting out fall though! So far so good this year. It’s been a beautiful fall. Thanks so much for stopping by and all your kind words. I’m always excited to visit and see what you do next!