A new state, a new house, and new adventures ahead! Letting go of the past and embracing the next chapter in life is a learned skill that requires a new attitude as well. Bring it on, Arizona! I’m ready!

It has always been a struggle for me to accept change. I tend to fight it every step of the way. This year, the changes have been huge to say the least. We sold the home that we lived in for over 20 years. We left a state we truly love and a son we love even more. We followed the sun and are giving Arizona a try.
Embracing or Adjusting?
I have a terrible habit of longing to be where I am not. At home in Colorado, I longed for the ocean. On our extended trip to San Diego, I wished for the quiet streets of Parker. Here in Arizona, I am missing the green of the new spring back home. Enough! I am determined not to simply adjust to my new state but to fully embrace the beauty of it.
Arizona in Full Bloom
To be fair, I find something new to love about this state each and every day. While I miss my lilacs which will be blooming soon in Colorado, I love that I have Birds of Paradise, (my husband’s favorite flowers), blooming in my backyard right now.

I love the pots of Hibiscus that I planted in February! Normally I would be counting the days for the frost danger to end, sometime in May, before heading to the nursery.

The vibrant colored bougainvillea blooming literally everywhere I go takes my breath away.

At the moment, the desert wildflowers are putting on a show as well.

Birds and Burros, Oh My!
I miss the tree outside my kitchen window and the squirrels that entertained me all day. But… the many birds that come to visit with me for morning coffee do make me smile! I really wish they would wait until at least 700am to have their many conversations though. Sometimes it sounds as if we’ve taken up residence in a jungle! It would also be okay if they found a bird bath to float in instead of my pool!

Just when I’m pining for the deer that would visit the greenbelt behind my home, we turn a corner and are greeted by some wild burros! Adorable!

It’s Not the Ocean but…
I’ve found beauty in the lakes that I’ve visited. Lake Pleasant is just a half hour’s drive from here and such a pretty place!

True, it’s not the ocean but having lunch out on the dock is so relaxing.

We are just beginning to appreciate the diverse landscapes here with just a short drive in one direction or another.

Shopping Makes Me Happy! It Just Does!
It’s such fun exploring new areas to shop! I’m not sure my husband is enjoying that part as much as I am though!

There are just sooooo many gorgeous outdoor malls to choose from!

Peaceful Sunday Mornings
These days I’m an earlier riser than I used to be. Especially on the weekends. I’m up by 6:00am and out on the patio with my coffee for the Sunday morning show!

Soon it will be too hot for the balloons to go up anymore I’m told. I am dreading that time for several reasons, but for now I will enjoy them while I can. They look so peaceful floating by in the quiet of the morning!

All in all we are settling in! We haven’t found a favorite restaurant as of yet but we’re excited to try. Now that the house is somewhat put together, we can get out there and explore a little more.
We’ll be heading to San Diego for a weekend visit very soon. It’s so exciting for me to know that with just a short morning’s drive, we can have lunch with our girl by the sea!
Yes, I am learning to embrace this next chapter. As I said before, I am finding something more to love about Arizona each and every day. With that in mind, I will leave you with this…

… and that’s a wrap! See you soon!
I am a native of Arizona. You have to visit Prescott, Jerome, Cottonwood, Sedona, Flagstaff and of course the Grand Canyon.
Thanks Rebecca! We have been to all those places and it is such a beautiful state!
For some reason, this post made my eyes tear up and my nose burn. Love ya”
We feel like we are almost natives, having lived here almost forty years. We moved from Oregon (the Willamette Valley) to get away from the rain and gloomy days and have never looked back! The first 10 years we lived in Scottsdale. Then my husband changed jobs, and we found ourselves in Yuma for the next 17 years; and now we live in Gilbert, and we love it! We’ve done lots of exploring, but even after living in AZ for this long, we still discover new things and new experiences. I gladly admit I do not like the summers, but the rest of the year is fantastic!
Thank you Carol! It’s encouraging to hear how much you love it here. We are still adjusting but have done a bit of exploring ourselves. Gilbert has some gorgeous areas. I have a sister in Chandler and I like that area as well.
Welcome to AZ! You need to come up to the Prescott area (esp in summer to cool off!) and see our town. There’s the “oldest” rodeo here as well. I moved here from Maryland 17 years ago, I do really miss back east as well as the green you mentioned! I do not miss the humidity though! (Although my menopause dry skin does!) just found your blog off Pinterest and am excited to look around!
Thanks so much Michelle! I love Prescott! We are still exploring and deciding where our next move will be. I hear you on the dryness! Colorado was the same where that is concerned. I guess not having to deal with the humidity is a trade off. So glad to have you on board!