During these unsettling times, most of us are feeling a little scared, a little uncertain, and a lot of boredom. So much of our daily routine has dramatically changed. In these days of social distancing it can be hard to fill those hours that were normally spent with coworkers, family, and friends. Depending on your age group, your household, and your energy level…finding ways to amuse yourself or your kids can be a daunting task. I’ve compiled a list of ways to fight boredom while implementing the practices we are told are necessary. Maybe there is something here to help you find new ideas to fight the boredom taking hold at your house today.

Fighting boredom for families with young kids
If you are a young family with little ones, while they may miss their playdates, you are their world. Therefore, you might have to deal with some boredom related tantrums but if Mom and/or Dad are ok….they are too. So pull out your family night playbook.
- Play a board game
- Watch a movie
- Hide and seek – maybe an opportunity for some fresh air on this one
- Bake cookies – Kitchn.com has some easy recipes to make with little ones
- Craft day – This Tiny Blue House has some great ideas for kids crafts
- Find the Bunny game – (It’s spring after all! ) Hide him every morning with a prize for the one who finds him. Get creative but keep it simple for the youngest ones in the family. However, getting the older kids involved will make it more fun. They can help their younger siblings when it’s their turn to hide the bunny!
Families with teens
Social distancing as a teenager goes against every fiber of a teen’s makeup. Socialization at their age is probably the single most important part of their lives. Therefore, boredom for teens is on a whole other level. While their mood swings may get on your very last nerve, please tread lightly. Their feelings of isolation are something to take seriously. Because of that, let them do what they would normally do but in a virtual way.
- Facetime – Isn’t this part of their normal day anyways?
- Online games – Words with friends, Candy Crush…No? I’m old – you pick!
- Virtual Movies with friends – (just getting everyone to the same starting point will kill at least an hour! )
- Online scavenger hunts – Make a list, text it out, see who comes back with every item first. If nothing else, they will learn where to find a safety pin in your house!
- Play the bunny game with teens too. I’ve seen what they can do with the Elf on a shelf!
- Family time – Non-negotiable!

College kids
Social distancing for this group is also a big one. At this age, on any given normal day they can go where they want without parent input. They do not need rides anywhere. They come and go as they please. In other words, they do what they want! They waited a long to time to get to this point. For that reason, It will be especially hard on them to give up a bit of that new found freedom.
- Virtual parties
- Virtual Studies (Finals will happen no matter what!)
- Virtual, Virtual, Virtual! Nobody knows how to do this better than you guys!

Fighting boredom for a young couple
You’ve got each other! Take advantage of that and do some of the things you’ve wanted to do and then life got in the way. Likewise, plan some of the things you will down the road when life gets back to normal. In conclusion, be together you two because together is how you will get through this!
- Cook together
- Watch a movie
- Dance to your playlists or surprise each other with a new one
- Exercise – (challenge each other)
- Organize ( you know you never have time to do this- so just do it! )
- Plan the dream trip you will take someday together

The 30 something singles
This group has it pretty rough too. It wasn’t all that long ago that they had to learn how to make it on their own. They are still figuring it out. They have learned to rely on each other to help them navigate. Still cherishing their independence, it is much easier to tell a friend they messed up than their parents. Life long bonds have been made through those confessions and they really need each other! Stick together guys! But…do it virtually!
- Organize a virtual happy hour
- Send each other your spotify list
- Check in with the old friends that you never have time to call anymore
- Facetime with family because we all miss you
- Binge watch that series before your bestie tells you how it ends
- Take in a virtual concert

Fighting boredom as empty nesters
I know this group well. I’m grateful right now to have my son back home at the moment, but I know this group. It was such a tough time for us when the kids moved away. But you find new friends, new interests, and you adjust. Maybe you spend a little more time by yourselves than the other groups but this is still a little rough. Once you adjust to being an empty nester, you find a lot of freedom again that you put on hold for a long time. Now it’s the kids who complain that you’re never home! But we have had years of practice adapting to new situations. We can find plenty to do!
- Read a new book
- Watch an old movie
- Play cards
- Organize pictures ( We were around before iphones – we have boxes and boxes of them! )
- Declutter ( You don’t get to our age without accumulating a few things. Keep in mind though, we will not store your stuff forever! )
- Plan the next vacation
- Facetime with family
- Take a walk
- Take an online cooking, photography, gardening class

Our Seniors
To all of the above: Please remember our seniors! Stay in touch. Check in on them. Pick up their prescriptions, some groceries, dinner. Leave care packages on their porch. Call them today, tomorrow…the next day. I do not have a list for this group. They went through a World War! They can handle this without any advice from me! Oh wait! I do have just one thing for their list!
- Tell all others how to do this! Please!

I would love to hear what you are doing to keep the boredom from setting in! Let me know your ideas and I will put them in the next list if we need one.
In the meantime, come on in and visit my spring home gallery. Maybe there is something there you can create in your home to help you fight boredom of your own!