The Holidays mean many different things to many different people. But the one thing that seems to be universal everywhere… this is the Season of Giving!

Angels Among Us
The quote I’ve used for this post is from an Alabama song which I believe with all my heart. I have seen it first hand many, many times.
My first angel came to me on a terrible day in the beginning stages of my divorce. Anyone who has been through it will understand. In the beginning, you simply go through the motions of life completely in a fog.
I was the one to move out. Unable to afford a home in my old neighborhood, I moved across town. The kids were quite young and I was trying my best to keep things as normal as possible. I was determined that they stay in the same school. It was quite a drive but I thought that was so important.

Driving them to school on the first day from the new house, we got off to an incredibly late start. Halfway there, I was pulled over for speeding. No way to argue because I absolutely was speeding. The ticket he wrote me tripled in size once we both realized I did not have my driver’s license with me. I remembered then that I had left my wallet on the kitchen counter. Stressed to the max, I took the ticket and continued on. My day was off to a horrible start.
Still hoping to get them to school before the final bell, I decided to take the new toll road and cut off some time. The closer I got to the toll booth, the fact that I didn’t have my wallet resurfaced in my mind and had me in a total panic once again.
My Angel
My plan had been to use a credit card to pay the $1.75 that I needed. With that no longer an option, I dumped my purse out on the front seat hoping to come up with some change but there was none. Payday was still a few days away so any cash I might have had was already gone.
Next in line for the booth and already flustered, I intended to literally beg the attendant to let me through. With my speech ready, I pulled up and to my surprise the attendant said “Go right on through Miss. The person in front of you payed your toll and said to have a wonderful day.” I, in turn, surprised the attendant by bursting into tears. The person in front of me was one of those angels.
It seems like such a small thing but on that day, at that time, it was monumental to me. I decided then and there to pull myself together and make a better life for the three of us. ( Just FYI – shortly after that, I met my current husband of almost 20 years and a better life was had by all. Angels come in many forms!). Of course it wasn’t long before I realized I now had three children but I certainly learned how to laugh again!
That’s me with my three kids in the front row Disneyworld – December 2003
Season of Giving – It’s the Little Things
For years after that, I made a point of paying the toll for the car behind me whenever I could. If nothing else, I wanted to make their day a little brighter.
Of course, toll booths are no longer a thing. The little sticker in the corner of the window took the place of an attendant years ago. But… paying for the order behind us in a fast food line works just as well.
This time of year so many are struggling to make ends meet, a trip through a favorite fast food drive thru for free I know will be appreciated.

A Simple Thank You
Last year, with lockdowns and the fear of the unknown, most of us ordered dinner in and shopped online. I felt such gratitude for the people out there working in spite of all the safety concerns. I created a printable to let them know how much we appreciated them. We left cups of cocoa and candy on the front porch as a small gift and a thank you.

While most of us have returned to some sort of normalcy, life remains extremely stressful for so many. Just about everyplace is understaffed. Delivery drivers are working longer shifts and taking the brunt of complaints for missing items. The chances are good that what’s missing is on a ship in a harbor somewhere with no one to unload it. Still, too often the frustration is taken out on the person standing there at the moment.
So this year, I put another sign out and some goodies just to let them know that we are grateful. Such a little thing but if it brings a smile, it is so worth it!

Season of Giving – Community
This beautiful season of giving is the perfect time to think about community.
With winter’s arrival, it’s also the perfect time to do a little housekeeping and clean out our closets! All those coats and blankets that haven’t been used in years are desperately needed by local shelters everywhere.

Another easy way to give back to the community is through the local food banks. They are always in need but especially right now.

Buying an extra bag of dog or cat food and dropping it at your local animal shelter is yet another way to give back. I hope all the fur babies everywhere find their forever homes soon! There is not a day that goes by that isn’t just a little bit brighter because of our little rescues!
So many times leaving a shopping mall, we come across that person holding a sign asking for help. Yes, I’ve heard all the stories about how some use this tactic as a con, how others have made this a full time well paying job. But I would much rather be the one laughed at for being conned then the one who callously passed by someone in desperate need. A ziploc with a fast food gift card, a pair of warm socks, and a few Christmas treats are always in the back seat of our car in the winter months.

I know there are those of you who might be in the same position I was years ago when I saw my first angel. If you are, keep watch and have faith! Your angel is out there. In the meantime, never be too proud or embarrassed to ask for help and know that someday, you will get your chance to give back too.
I really do believe there are angels among us. Maybe this year, we can all try to be one for someone else. Take it from me… a simple act of kindness can change someone’s life in an instant!
These are just a few ideas on ways we can celebrate this beautiful Season of Giving. I would love to hear your ideas! Let me know your favorite in the comments below.
Happy Holidays!
I fully agree with you Denise. We can all take a little time, not just at Christmas, but everyday, to thank someone, or to ‘pay it forward’ when we are able to, in any way be it small or large.
How good does it make us feel in return, to help someone . This is all the reward we need. We all have times in life when we could use a hand, or even just a smile, a passing hello or a chat.
I always think of elderly people particularly. You may be the only person they see that day, that takes the time to smile and say hello.
You may just make their day. 😊
Hi Jenny! So good to hear from you. You’re right you know… the wonderful feeling that comes with giving back is more than enough. I hope all is well with you and I’ll be checking in with you before the holidays. And just for the record, you make my day every time we talk! Take care. Talk soon.
Hi Denise, also known as sweetheart or my wife. I’m trying to decide if I’m offended.
“3 kids”? I thought that was our secret! Thanks for making our home so cozy! ❤
You will always be a kid at heart and I love it and I love you!
Denise, you are a special lady! Sharing your story and how you look for ways to bless those around you is a wonderful gift for all of us to learn.
Thanks for sharing this at the FWF party 🙂
Big Christmas hugs,
Thanks so much Rachelle! Have a wonderful Christmas!