Do you remember the old hit song “You Can’t Always Get What You Want?” That song has been on repeat in my mind for days. I’ve been lamenting the fact that we are halfway through the summer and I haven’t seen the ocean since last August. To me, nothing is as beautiful as the sun glistening on the water. Work and other obligations have kept us here so far this year and it has been a bit depressing. But today, I finally pushed the pause button and instead, I decided to look for the beauty that surrounds us all in our own back yards.

While the ocean is truly my happy place, Colorado is my home. There are so many things that I love about this state. The problem is that my longing for the water sometimes tends to blind me to beauty that is right here. Heading anywhere west from my house, the rockies in all their glory rise up before me. I wondered how many times I have gone to the store in recent days and literally never even noticed them. Quite a few I suspect. Why is that and how can I learn to find the beauty that surrounds us all right here?
What is Beauty Anyways?
First of all, beauty is not always the physical aspect of something. It is also found in the way it makes you feel. Colorado is a gorgeous state but it is more than that for me. Part of the beauty of this place are the memories we’ve made here. With that in mind, I set out today on a trip to the mountains for my husband’s birthday. We have our two canine children with us and I know before we even leave, this will become a treasured memory in its own right. Every day spent with love of my life and our pound puppies is a gift and I am looking forward to sharing the day with them in a place we all love.

Road Trip to Estes Park, Colorado
We are headed for Estes Park. It is a favorite day trip of ours and we have visited often over the years. It is cloudy and rather cool today but that’s a welcome respite from the hot days we’ve been having at home lately. Looking at it like that, I realized, is just another way to see the beauty that surrounds us.
If it weren’t for the terrible wildfires burning everywhere (prayers), I would have included a picture of the mountains as we hit the road. Although I rarely notice them the way I should, I’m always blown away by how pretty they look from a distance. Today, they are completely invisible from the smoke that has engulfed the west. I’ve heard that Estes is smoke free at the moment which is part of the reason we chose that direction.
On the two hour drive from home, we talked about the many trips here in the past. There were several with the kids when we went in search of wildlife which is not that hard to find there. Wildlife is part of what draws people to the state. Seeing elk on the golf course is a common sight here. We always feel blessed when we stumble across a herd while showing out of state friends and family around. Estes Park is the very essence of a Colorado mountain town.

As we get closer, it is raining a bit. That could have ruined the day but instead, it seems to just make the contrasting beauty even clearer. With the windows down a bit, the air has a crisp, fresh, scent. Making an effort to really notice these things is a big part of finding the beauty that surrounds us all.

Gateway to the Rockies
Estes is such a gorgeous place. Since it is considered the gateway to the Rockies and so many are taking their last summer vacation before school starts, it is much busier here than we are used to.

Passing by the lake on our way into town, the rain has stopped altogether but the clouds remain. They seem to almost serve to enhance the beauty of it all.

While standing in line at our favorite burger place (Penelope’s), I ended up talking to quite a few visitors from out of state. There was a young couple with their children visiting from Chicago. She told me how much they want to live here. So beautiful she said. So much to see. Thinking about my last visit to her neck of the woods, I told her how much I loved it there and how gorgeous Lake Michigan was! It was obvious she was giving that some thought. I knew she had taken her home for granted just like I did.
A little later while visiting the year round Christmas store in town, I met a woman from Costa Mesa, California. She too told me how badly she wanted to move here. She said she hated the California traffic and the crowds everywhere she goes. I told her that seemed like such a small tradeoff for being able to drive to the ocean anytime she wanted. She explained that with her intense fear of water, she steers clear of the ocean at all costs. However, she went on to tell me she is coming back this winter to ski a few of her favorite black diamond runs! The mountains are her happy place as the ocean is mine. I can’t argue with that.

Although you all know how much I love to shop, I was anxious to get back outside to the beauty that surrounds us here in Estes. The Riverwalk that winds through downtown is such a highlight. Here the Big Thompson and the Fall River come together and the scenery is absolutely gorgeous!

As beautiful as it is, the rivers have caused both loss of life and millions in damages over the years. I remember several since I’ve lived in Colorado. The Big Thompson Flood in 1976 remains the state’s deadliest natural disaster. There is a great article by Jason Pohl on the site that explains the scope of this event. You can access it by clicking here if you are interested.
The area was under flood warnings just last week and people living here tend to heed every one.
The Stanley Hotel

No visit to Estes Park would be complete without a stop at the historic Stanley Hotel. Many restorations have occurred since it originally opened in 1909 but it has kept its old world charm.

Although not filmed here, the hotel was the inspiration for Stephen King’s movie “The Shining.” There are several pictures and plaques recognizing that fact throughout the hotel. I’m sure this also helped with the reputation the Stanley has for being a haunted hotel.

You can even book what is called a “Spirited Room” on the hotel’s site.

Our visit here today was to do exactly that! Let me explain. I hate scary movies! Absolutely hate them! But… our daughter has probably seen every one ever made. She is coming home for a visit in September to celebrate our birthdays together. My birthday is September 6th and hers is on the 7th. We haven’t been together on our birthdays since she moved to San Diego years ago.
We have talked about spending a night at the Stanley for a long time now and finally we decided to follow through with it. While I am not very excited about the overnight itself, I am looking forward to having her all to myself for awhile. A glass of wine and a nice long visit on the Stanley’s beautiful front porch sounds amazing!

Walking through the hotel, you’re reminded of the history at every turn. I have never stayed at the Stanley and I’m looking forward to seeing the guest rooms.

With our day coming to a close, we made one last stop at the lake to let the dogs out and stretch our legs before the drive home.

The clouds are building again so it’s time to go. I took one last look back at the Stanley and snapped this picture on our way out of town. Not the least bit spooky… right??? See you in September!

As we headed back home from our day in the mountains, I felt completely at peace. Of course it didn’t change my love of the sea or my longing to be there. But it did make me realize that all this time spent wishing I was somewhere else, kept me from seeing the beauty that surrounds us all, each and every day.
Just One More…
My sister sent me this photo. She lives in Phoenix and of course this is not her favorite time of year! In just a few more months though she will be back to loving her beautiful city with it’s beautiful weather again. But for the moment, she shared the beauty that surrounds her right now in her own back yard.

In Conclusion
“You can’t always get what you want… but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.. – Mick Jagger/Keith Richards
Although I tend to lean towards the sea and sands of AL and FL, our country is so full of things to do and see. If I ever get out that way, I’d spend a night in the Stanley Hotel. Can’t wait to hear about your stay there!! Maybe you’d like to submit a story for my DO YOU BELIEVE? category after you stay there. I already have one about the Stanley, would love to see how your story compares. Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 31. Pinned!
Thanks Dee. You are so right! There are so many beautiful places to see but we tend to head to the coast every time we get a chance. We haven’t found the time yet this year so I am having trouble looking ahead to fall. It just feels like summer won’t be complete without seeing the ocean!
Estes Park is on our list for the next trip. We hit BV this time–BEAUTIFUL!
Thanks for stopping by Michele! Estes is gorgeous but there are so many beautiful places to see. I wish we had more time to travel. Some day maybe! Have a great weekend!
I visited Estes Park back in 1979 when my sister lived in Aurora. It was a great trip, and we stayed in a chalet high in the mountains. We experienced 3 seasons in that one week in May. 🙂 Love your day trip photos and the memories it jogged for me.
Thank you Rita! That is so true about the weather here! Especially in the spring and fall. We were just talking about that the other day. When I brought Katie home from the hospital all those years ago on September 7th, it was a snow storm outside. The next day it was 80 degrees! Have a great week and thanks again!
I too love the ocean and use to live 30 minutes from it in SC now it’s a couple hours and I can no longer go regularly but like you I am taking time to enjoy Virginia’s beauty and have become a true lover of the woods. No elk here but lots of deer and birds. I love your stories and printable. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much Cindi! Having an ocean within driving distance still sounds like heaven to me! Virginia is so beautiful too. My sister has a home in Spotsylvania and it never ceases to amaze how pretty and green it is. We have deer often right outside our gate but have to drive to the mountains to see the elk. We did have a moose wander into our town a few years ago though! He was walking down the busiest road in town and our phones were going off every few minutes with warnings to stay away. Eventually he found his way back to the mountains!
So glad you are enjoying the blog. I’ll be adding new printables for fall very soon. Fall in Virginia will be gorgeous I’m sure! Have a wonderful week and thanks again for stopping by!
Thanks so much for stopping by!! I am a huge fan of The Shining!! I enjoyed seeing the Stanley!! Can’t wait for you to visit there with your daughter and to hear all about it!! Please take a lot of pictures to share!! I hope you are having a great week!!
Thank you Debbie! I’m a lightweight when it comes to scary movies but that one was such a classic! I’m a little nervous spending the night there but I’ll take pics and share them on the blog. Thanks for coming by and have a great week ahead!
Such a wonderful post! You’re blessed to live in such a beautiful state as Colorado, but I love the way you include that last photo from your sister and encourage us all to look for the beauty that surrounds us wherever we are!
Thanks so much for joining the Grace at Home party at Imparting Grace. I’m featuring you this week!
Thanks so much Richella! So glad to be featured this week! There are so many beautiful places in this country and Colorado is certainly one of them. I get so mad at myself for wasting so much time wishing I was somewhere else! I was determined not to spoil the day doing that this time and it turned out to be an absolutely perfect trip! Thank you again and have a wonderful week ahead!
My husband and I visited Estes Park several years ago. We just loved it. Of course, we just love everything about Colorado. It is one of the most beautiful states in the country in my opinion. I drove past the hotel, but I didn’t know you could go inside the lobby and look around. I would have loved to have done that.
Thanks for stopping by Amy. You will have to visit the Stanley next time you come back to Colorado! They actually do public tours through it because of all the history there. You are so right! Colorado is a beautiful state. Just sometimes when I’m longing to see the ocean, I forget to notice! Thanks again and have a great week ahead!