Beauty. There are so many definitions of the word and we all strive to create it every day. In our homes, in the way we look, in our lives in general. But I’ve come to the conclusion that true beauty is not something we, as humans, can really create. The beauty that surrounds us all is already there. We just need to actually SEE it!

Last year around this time, I found myself struggling a bit. I had the whole “grass is always greener” thing going on. Since taking an extended trip was impossible at the time, I set out to learn how to find the beauty that surrounds us all right here at home. I’m happy to say, I succeeded and I shared it in part one, here.
Today, I am sharing that extended trip I was longing for. It finally took place in the last few weeks! Beauty is everywhere and all we need to do is open our eyes!

Colorado is a beautiful state and I’m truly blessed to call it home. The majestic mountains and the wonderful wildlife we see here almost daily is truly amazing.

If you’re a skier, (I am not) then I’ve heard the powder here is the absolutely the best. But what I love most, is the change of seasons bathed in sunshine too. Colorado is the sixth sunniest state in the U.S. and I love that! Having grown up in the midwest, sunshine this time of year was rare. We enjoy an abundance even through the winter months.

So… yes! I am truly blessed to live here. However, our deep love of the ocean leaves a void that simply cannot be filled without a trip to the coast.
Home Away From Home

California has always been what we’ve considered our second home. We kept a boat there for years while the kids were growing up. Through grade school, we usually managed one or two weekends on the water every month, a little less during high school. We finally sold our beloved “Salt Shaker” when the kids hit college at the same time. So hard to let her go! Even harder to leave a place we’d come to love. As it turned out… that’s not what happened.

Four years later our daughter, Katie, came home to say she had decided to move to San Diego. Although we weren’t quite ready for that, I can’t say it came as much of a surprise. She’s a mermaid at heart! She loves her life there and we are so happy that she’s living her dream.
The upside to her move is that we are once again spending a lot of time on the coast. We were getting out to see her pretty regularly before the nightmare that was 2020. Long story short, until two weeks ago, we hadn’t been near the ocean in over two years. Way too long!
The trip that had been cancelled four times for one reason or another finally happened. We spent two wonderful weeks by the sea so I thought I’d share a part of it with you today.
The Hotel Del Coronado

Although I’m not a big fan of the bridge that takes me there, Coronado Island has always been a place I love. We try to visit most years during the Christmas season when the Hotel Del Coronado is all decked out for the holidays. This time, we couldn’t wait even a few more weeks for that to happen. We decided to splurge and stay there for the first part of our trip. Such a pretty start!
The marine layer was just settling in but that was part of the beauty for me.

Just going down the halls with their beautiful walls of beach umbrellas , I could feel the stress beginning to fade.

Walking into our room, I made a beeline for the balcony and there it was! The ocean I had been longing for was right there!

Halloween was coming up and the homes on the island were dressed for the holiday.

The hotel itself is said to be haunted, just as the Stanley is here in Colorado. All I can say, if there is a ghost there, they sure have amazing taste!
We picked up our own little witch for dinner that night! So happy to see our girl!

After having coffee in the morning on our balcony with a seagull, ( or maybe my mom…there’s a story about that, Mandy and Me) of course we headed for the beach.

For me, the peace I’d been searching for came instantaneously the minute my feet hit the sand.

Although the Del has much more to offer, this trip I had no desire to explore the shops and restaurants. Doing nothing more strenuous than walking the beach was exactly what we needed!
This picture was taken on our last day at the Del. We were leaving for a few days to visit my bestie who had moved to California a few years ago. We would be returning to a different location by the sea so the smile was very real!
Two Days in the Desert
Saying goodbye to my bestie when she moved to California in 2020 was a tough day. She was leaving Colorado to be close to her first grandchild about to be born that year. Although I’ve seen her many times since then, it was always here in Colorado. Thankfully, she still has a business here. This was the first time I would be visiting her and seeing first hand the new life she has built for herself.
I got to hug the precious little reason that took my bestie away from me. Absolutely gorgeous!

I found so much joy just watching the hummingbirds that visit her feeders constantly. They left Colorado weeks ago.

It was a short visit but it made me so happy to see that she is exactly where she should be! Besides, I talked her into coming back to San Diego for the weekend which was always my intent!
Take Me Back to the Sea
We returned to San Diego for another 5 days and checked into the Hilton by the bay. Although we were on vacation, our daughter was not.

We spent our days by the water watching the sailboats, cruise ships, and navy vessels coming and going in the harbor.
The Disney Wonder was on a three day turnaround to Mexico. They would blast their horn as they went by. Not your normal cruise ship horn. This one plays the start of “When you wish upon a star!”

The Holland America’s Koningsdam left the port at sunset too!

We watched the start of the Baja Ha-ha, a 750 mile annual sailboat trip from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas.

We saw the U.S. Navy come and go in several different vessels, making sure to always wave a “Thank You!”

We spent our evenings with our daughter and our Grandpups.

Our trip was too short as is always the case, but I left feeling completely re-centered and at peace. I can handle the coming winter back home. Leaving Katie is never easy but knowing she will be home for Christmas certainly helped avoid a messy goodbye.
In Conclusion…
With my husband being a realtor here, I am always amazed at the number of his clients moving in from California. They cite the high cost of living, taxes, and the endless traffic, as the reasons for their move. I get that. We had always traveled up and down the coast by water. It is certainly not quite as relaxing on the highways!
Katie has been in San Diego for 12 years now. She has struggled with all those things but for her, the beauty that surrounds her every single day makes the rest worth it. I get that too.

The point is I guess, that there is a beauty that surrounds us all no matter where we live. It’s in the beautiful blue sky, the majesty of the mountains, and yes, in the constantly changing waters.
I love the sea. It speaks to me in ways nothing else can. But today… the beauty that surrounds me is right here in my own back yard!

Thanks so much for stopping by today! If you haven’t joined us yet, I sincerely hope you will! The holidays are fast approaching and I’d love to share them with you. Your email entered in the form below will add you to the list. You’ll have immediate access to everything in the Printable Library and I’ll keep you up to date on all things trending in seasonal decor!
See you soon!
Having your daughter in San Diego is a great excuse to make the trip. How restorative it seemed to be! FL would be our go to, but we haven’t made that trip since before Covid, and Hurricane Ian put the brakes on making that trip this year.
Thanks for sharing yours!
Thanks so much for stopping by Rita! I am finally able to get back to blogging and I apologize for the late response. The trip to San Diego was wonderful but we came back to an injured little dog. We feel we are finally out of the woods on that one! I missed your Thanksgiving tour but I will catch up in the next day or so. I absolutely love the hops you put together! Thanks again. Happy Thanksgiving!