With Christmas just around the corner, I have found myself behind! Behind with my shopping, behind with my wrapping, and just generally disorganized! Very unlike me when it comes to this season. But, then again, it has been a very unlikely year. That being said, I need to get it together! To help me do that, I have created a few last minute Christmas printables that I thought I would share in case you’re behind too!

A Very Special Thank You
With things being as they are, I honestly don’t know what I would do without online shopping. Numbers are spiking almost everywhere and I am just not comfortable braving the stores in person right now. While I do believe in supporting local businesses, most have added online ordering to their websites as well.
Keep in mind though, no matter where you do your shopping, you are helping someone locally. The delivery drivers who work for Amazon, Walmart, or any of the big chains are still a part of your community. They also need your in order to have some security in their lives too. That is the group of “essential workers” on my mind today.
I will never be able to thank all the people that have gotten us through this pandemic. I will never meet them or be able to tell them how much I appreciate the work they do. The ones who would’ve lost their jobs if they refused to work during a crisis the likes of which most of us have never seen. Those who brought me the very essentials I needed to stay safe in my home with my family. I know I will never take them for granted again. So I decided that even with strict social distancing rules still in place, I could at least thank a few who helped us through.
Contactless delivery, they call it. I order something I need from my phone or my laptop, pay for it online, and a short time later it will be outside my door. I will never meet the person who brought my dinner, gifts, or groceries. That’s the whole point. The meaning of “contactless delivery.” I know that’s the best way for all concerned. But I just want to let them know how much I really do appreciate them.
So…my newest printable does that for me. With as many times as we come and go at my house each day, I have not run into a single delivery driver as of yet. I find that amazing! Still, I know it’s for the best. This printable and the small gift I’ve put outside tells them what I cannot tell them myself. I appreciate you! Just a little thing that is the equivalent of the smile and the thank you I would’ve given them in person.

I hope in some small way, this can make someone’s day a little better than it was before they got to my stop! I am hoping this last minute Christmas printable will accomplish that.
Gift Tracker
Have you finished your Christmas shopping? I hope you have! I have not! At least I don’t think so. I’m really not sure! To me this is the crown jewel of my last minute Christmas printables
While I wish I was a super techy person who had everything right at my fingertips on my cell phone… that’s not me. In fact, most days I can’t even find my cell phone!
So after scrolling through my emails for a good part of the afternoon, looking for the receipt for a gift I just knew I ordered, I decided to admit the obvious! I am not the least bit techy and to top it off… I’m old! I finally came to the conclusion that I didn’t order it after all. I only thought I did! Which, of course, is a problem in and of itself.
So I decided to go with what is comfortable to me. I have been a checklist person for as long as I can remember. I have lists for everything. Groceries, cleaning, decorating, you name it, I’ve got a list! What I needed was a tracking list. One that would help me figure out where my packages were, how to track them down, and if I actually ordered them to begin with!
I created one and on the off chance you are like me and need a gift tracker, I have uploaded it to the Printable Library today. By the end of today, I will have finished my shopping, have it all on my list, and going forward, I can check it off when it arrives. It’s even a bit festive!
Problem solved!

My guest room has been decorated for awhile now but this year it has not seen many visitors. Still, it is done and is as pretty as I’d hoped. You can see for yourself in my Christmas Guest Room Makeover Post.
Besides making sure that my guests are comfortable, I always want them to know that they are welcome in my home. For me, of course, that means a sign!
I put this together in the fall hoping by Christmas things would be better. That didn’t happen here but it’s my hope that maybe it is where you are! So I’m sharing this today as well. If I had been more organized, this would not be offered as part of my last minute Christmas printables at all. It would have been in the Library months ago!

All three printables are in the Library now. The first two will print as 8×10’s and the last as a 5×7. Simply click here, choose anything you like, enter your member password and print! While you’re there, be sure to print anything else that catches your eye. I will be removing quite a few as we enter the new year!
If you haven’t joined us yet, I hope you will. I am so excited for 2021 and I’d love to have you with us as we decorate our way through a brand new year! The form below will make you a subscriber and the welcome email with your printable password will follow minutes later. That will give you immediate access to download any or all of my last minute Christmas printables. You’ll be the first to know when new seasonal art is added and I’ll keep you posted on all the latest trends in home decor!
Make sure to stop by Instagram and take a look at the Christmas Village in motion!
I love these printable’s. Great idea.
Thanks Rebecca! Glad you stopped by.