Remembering Cooper: A Tribute to a Little Dog With a Great, Big, Heart

Saying goodbye to our fur babies is one of life’s greatest sorrows. They hold a space in our hearts that was theirs alone. When they must leave us, which is always way too soon, the emptiness inside is profound.

Our little Cooper got his wings this past Thursday. Although we were expecting it, that never makes it any easier. We are in that awful stage right now where we still forget that we won’t be tucking him in next to us tonight. We will inevitably look for him in the morning. Our hearts are broken.

He came to live with us as a puppy and it was love at first sight on our part.

Not a fan as a youngster, the sound of running bath water brought him scampering into the room in his later years.

He was incredibly funny, infinitely cute, and like every dachshund I have ever known, he had a stubborn streak. He could hear a food wrapper opening down the street yet couldn’t hear his name called from mere inches away if he wasn’t ready to come inside.

Being out in the yard in Colorado was an endless adventure. He was an expert bunny chaser and was never shy about telling the squirrels whose yard it actually was!

He especially loved this time of year. The crunching leaves seemed to bring a whole new level of fun for him.

He also had that famous dachshund “side eye” down pat. That look, as we came to know, usually meant he got into something he shouldn’t have and was prepared to deny it at any cost. We believe his reasoning was always it really didn’t matter because “Look at me! I’m just so cute!” Worked every time!

He was never one to fight with his brothers over toys. He gave them up gracefully and simply found a replacement. He loved to play but he loved his naps equally as much. He always looked so incredibly cozy in his sleep!

Despite the ramps we carefully placed around the house, he suffered through two different back injuries in his life. Twice we ignored the doctors advice to put him down and twice he beat the odds. However, due to his age, the last time really brought some challenges. Walking became more difficult and chasing bunnies fell by the wayside. Still, he seemed to be enjoying life and showed no signs of pain.

He had definitely slowed down in recent years. He loved snuggling with his brother and his dad for a Sunday afternoon football game.( None of them lasted four quarters! )

… And he was happy just to sit on Mom’s lap and feel the ocean breeze on recent trips to San Diego.

It’s so hard to believe he’s gone! We are taking it one day at a time and trying to help Teddy deal with his grief too. He’s having a tough time. I do know we will see him again one day. That certainty makes losing him a little more bearable.

So…until then sweet boy, run like the wind. Play to your heart’s content and snuggle in with those who left before you. Thank you for all the memories. We love you Coops!

24 Replies to “Remembering Cooper: A Tribute to a Little Dog With a Great, Big, Heart”

  1. My sincere sympathy to you for your loss. It’s never easy to see our little loved ones pass. My vet told me to take comfort in knowing he was blessed with all the love possible and the best life any soul could have. I’m sure Cooper enjoyed the same.

    1. Thank you Joan. I’ve been told the same thing and I do know he had a wonderful life. His final gift to us was leaving on his own. We didn’t have to make that awful trip to the Vet this time. We were so blessed to have had him this long.

  2. So sorry for your loss. For such little dogs, our Dachshunds, take up a huge space in our lives and hearts. Hope Teddy is doing better.

  3. So sorry for your loss. You are like me, my pets are part of the family. Remembering you and your family in prayerπŸ™πŸ»πŸ«ΆπŸΌπŸŒΉπŸŒΏ

  4. My condolences, I feel with and for you ,it’s not easy to loose them been through myself 3 to many times,my heart goes out to you πŸ’”

    1. Thanks Tina! We have been through it way too many times ourselves. Their lives are way too short and they deserve so much more.

  5. I know how hard it is to lose your little friend.
    What a beautiful tribute to your Fur baby.
    Time will heal your heart but there will always be a place there for him.

    1. Thank you Shelley. We are holding onto the story of the Rainbow Bridge and focusing on Teddy right now. I wish so much we could explain all this to him.

  6. My heart breaks for you. I can’t imagine having to say goodbye to our 5 yr old baby. Your tribute was so beautiful. You will always remember your Cooper with love and laughter

  7. Hi Denise, My family & I have also lost several dogs & cats over the years & Nothing makes it easier dealing with their loss. My heart aches for you & your family with the loss of Cooper for even with the promise of seeing them again it doesn’t take away the pain we feel each day. Enjoy your memories & your sweet pictures of him. Teddy will enjoy your love & care. Praying for you both.

    1. Thank you Carolyn! I so appreciate your prayers! We are giving Teddy lots of love and attention but I know he misses him just as much as we do. Still, we are so grateful to have had him in our lives as long as we did!

  8. I am so sorry for your loss. Losing our fur babies is so darn hard. My heart goes out to you during this difficult time. 😿

  9. So sorry for the loss of your precious Cooper. Our pets become our children and fill a special place in our hearts. When we had to put our Shotsie to sleep the vet told us, β€œshe has been a special friend to you and now you are being a special friend to her” by not letting her continue to suffer in pain. At the time it didn’t make me feel better but I gradually came to understand he was right. Will pray that time will ease your pain but not remove the memories.

    1. Thank you Sandra! So sorry for your loss of Shotsie too! It’s always so hard to make that final trip to the vet as we have done many times over the years. Cooper saved us from that agony and went on his own wrapped in his blanket next to us. He didn’t seem to be in any pain and although we knew we were on borrowed time due to his age, it was still a shock. He gave us so many wonderful years and we are so grateful for that.

  10. My deepest sympathy..i still break down thinking of our sweet girl who went to Rainbow Bridge in April..there is no time limit on grief for our furbabies..but good memories and happy thoughts at the joy they brought us all their years with us…wrapping you and yours in comforting hugs and thoughts..

  11. Hi Denise,

    Take comfort in knowing that you gave Cooper such a wonderful life and a beautiful home and surrounded him with a loving family. I’m sure he loved you as much as you loved him.🩡

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