Spring fever has not set in yet. I know it’s coming but at the moment, I am still enjoying the cozy feeling of my winter home. While it is just too early to start my spring cleaning, I do feel the need to get organized. Spring organizing at my house is a yearly ritual.
Every time I open a cabinet or a closet door, I wonder how in the world did it get this bad! Part of the problem this year came from some renovations we did early on in 2020. New carpet and refinished hardwood floors created quite the mess. Having to move virtually everything, I tended to stuff things into cabinets and on to shelves where they definitely did not belong. The end result was beautiful new floors but utter chaos in every nook and cranny!
But I am determined to purge, donate, and organize before spring fever becomes a real thing. When that happens, the out of sight/out of mind attitude sets in and it’s all over. Spring organizing will become just a pipe dream! So I start my mission today. Who’s with me????
Organizing Plan
Before starting any project it’s always best to have a plan. For me, unlike spring cleaning, I accomplish the most concentrating on one room at a time when I’m spring organizing my home. While it’s impossible to know exactly how long each room will take, based on years past, I’ve got a pretty good idea.
My plan is to allow myself a 24 hour period for each room with the exception of the kitchen. I know from past experience, the kitchen will take the most time.
Today, that is where my focus is. More specifically, I am working on the kitchen island. One would think this is the perfect place to store small appliances and of course it is. But at my house, this is the place that I’ve stored my plastic containers. So the next question that springs to mind is, “Who needs that much space for plastic containers???” Valid question, since of course most people do not. Let me explain why we are not most people!
The Pasta Cart

Back when the real estate market crashed in 2008, we were in real trouble. My husband is a real estate agent and I was a mortgage loan processor. With both of us in the industry our lives were thrown into chaos. Around that same time, local breweries were popping up all over. Since most were not licensed to sell food, the food truck craze began. We bought a food cart and hit the brewery, festivals, and farmers market scene. The Pasta Cart was born.
Farmers Market Hubby serving dinner at the Govenor’s Mansion fundraiser.
We had a lot of great years with the cart. We met some amazing people who will be friends for life, had a lot of fun, and scratched out a living during some lean years. To be honest, although real estate has been thriving again for several years, we might have kept going with the cart on weekends if we were younger. As much fun as it was, it was also one of the hardest jobs I’ve ever had in the physical sense. So we said goodbye to The Pasta Cart and now it’s time to donate what remains.
Although we cooked at a commissary, we needed containers to store our food for each event. My collection of plastic containers grew and grew and grew! We sold the cart a few years ago but I never took the time to weed out the containers and utensils we no longer needed. That is how I got to this place! Spring organizing is exactly what needs to be done right here.

Obviously, I did not include this space in last years’ purge so the first step is to empty out this mess!

The Purge
After sorting out the contents between what goes in the trash and what might still be useful to someone, I gave this cabinet a thorough cleaning! With all the lids in the picture above, it is inconceivable to me that I have so many containers that I cannot match with a cover. Trash! The purge is on! After years of the frustration of searching for that match, I am starting over with a better system.
I am determined to use the island for what was always the intended purpose. My small appliances are scattered throughout various cabinets in the kitchen. Most are stacked in a much smaller cupboard since the island was obviously overtaken with containers. My plan is to finally switch things out. With my large containers for the cart purged, I no longer need such a big space to hold the rest.
I’ve added several of the small appliances that I haven’t used in years to the Goodwill box. It’s mind boggling to me how in world I accumulated three food choppers! I mean, I actually cleared quite a few things out last year during my organization week! It’s a mystery to me but they are on their way to someone who might actually need one right this minute!
Making the Switch
After moving the small appliances to their new home in the island, I am amazed at how easy it will be to access everything now!

Having my Insta Pot front and center is fantastic! That is probably the thing that gets the most use each week. Since it doubles as a crock pot, I could easily get rid of my old one but I won’t. Although we haven’t done one in years, I am thinking what was once our annual Christmas party will be making a comeback in 2021. Crock pots are a treasured commodity that night. I’m happy with the island set up! It will be so much easier to access my favorite appliances now. I’ve linked several below in case you are looking for replacements.
With the island in order, I can move my plastic containers into the smaller cabinet. I’ve stored vegetable platters and cake carriers on the shelf since they are rarely used. Thinking again of the Christmas party, I have kept a few of the larger containers for the pasta sauce that is always a favorite. I’ve replaced many of the others with this simple nesting system from the Joseph Joseph store on Amazon. I will not be missing lids anymore! I am ok with plastic at the moment but I do like the glass option too!

I didn’t consider the island to be done without organizing the drawers above it too!
That took a lot less time then I had anticipated! I think I can squeeze in another hour or two. Spring organizing the spice cabinet maybe?
If you’ve already finished your spring organizing goals and you’re ready to move on to spring cleaning, I’ve got a printable for you! Check out my latest post Spring Cleaning 2021 and pick up your Spring Cleaning Checklist and free spring printable. If you’re not yet a subscriber, sign up below to get your copy. Remember… “No winter lasts forever. No spring skips its turn.” Time to get organized, time to clean, and before you know it, we will be decorating our way through the new season! See you soon!