While the new year officially starts on January 1st, I’ve always felt the arrival of spring ushers in the the true beginning of the year. To celebrate that belief, today I’m sharing a few new printables and wishing you the happiest of new years!
This is the season of renewal as evidenced by the emerging flowers, the lengthening daylight, and the ever-changing landscape. Mother Nature has decided that it’s time for a fresh new start! I wholeheartedly agree.
For me, spring has definitely brought some changes. We’re starting this year in a new city, new surroundings, and a new home. I am still navigating my way through it all. It’s all rather daunting so today I’m longing for the familiar. Putting together a spring collection of prints to share with all of you is just what I needed! I’m hoping you’ll find a few here that will brighten your day as much as creating them has done for me.
Spring Flowers bring May Showers?
With my new home being in the desert, I’m not quite sure how true that statement will be this year! I’m going to miss my lilacs but I’ve added pots of vibrant Hibiscus and Bougainvillea and I’m enjoying their beautiful blooms! My walks through the many nurseries here were the inspiration for the floral prints below.

Spring Landscapes
I have to admit… I have not had much of an opportunity to explore the diverse Arizona landscapes as of yet. I do remember that the desert flowers were quite beautiful this time of year. With just a short drive north, I can be in the pines and play in the snow and two hours later, come back and bask in the sunshine again.
At the moment, I am still a bit homesick. I’m longing to see the old barns I loved to visit year round. The spring will bring so much green to the pastures! I tried to bring a little bit of that beauty to the collection this spring.

Home is Most Definitely Where the Heart is.
We spent several days exploring Prescott when we first arrived in Arizona. I absolutely loved the charm of the old victorian homes we passed and the historic downtown district. Although, I loved the nostalgia of it all… in the end, we said goodbye to Prescott for the time being anyways. Those beautiful houses are still fresh in my mind and inspired the next three offerings.

Is That the Easter Bunny?
While our home is desert landscaped, our next-door neighbor has a front yard full of thick green grass. That feels like such a bonus to me! I still get the scent of fresh cut grass without the work. More importantly, I can watch the baby bunnies grazing there. There is just nothing cuter than a baby bunny!

Throw Open the Windows… Spring is Here!
I love this time of year when I can throw open the windows and feel the spring breeze! I know that will be a big part of what I miss about Colorado. No matter how hot the days are, the cool down at night allowed for open windows through the spring, summer, and fall. Not the case here, but I’ll enjoy it while I can!

Word Art… Still
Yes, it’s true. Word art has fallen by the wayside. With that being said, I still love to display my inspirational quotes. These days, I am trying very hard to remember to live in the now. Treasure the memories but live for today… hard sometimes but I’m working on it. These two simple quotes help me everyday.

Good Things to Come
I hope you enjoy this year’s spring collection. I’m looking forward to seeing the creative ways you’ll make them your own. Your talent never ceases to amaze me! I’ve seen pillows, candles, T-shirts, and so many wonderful wall displays. Please continue to send your pictures!
On another note, I will be making some changes to the blog in the coming months. I am well aware that it is badly in need of an update. In the meantime, please remember that the site always works best with the Safari browser.
The prints above have been loaded into the Printable Library. They are free to all subscribers by simply adding your password. You can find it in the latest newsletter in case you’ve forgotten. Changes to the website will bring changes to the library as well so be sure to print your favorites as soon as possible.
If you haven’t joined us yet, please do. Your email in the box below will add you to the list. You’ll have access to everything in the Printable Library and I’ll keep you up to date in all things trending for the seasons!
Thanks so much for stopping by! See you soon.
You have been missed!! Happy for you in your new adventure! Thank you for r your inspiration, in life and art! Take time to relax, and enjoy the new beginning!🥰
Thank you Jenny! It was such fun to go visiting but we are glad to be settled again for sure. Wishing you a beautiful spring!
These are beautifully special! Thank you for making them available.
You’re very welcome Judy! Thanks so much for the kind words!