Halloween is fast approaching and like everything else in 2020, it will look a lot different this year. Parents all over the country are struggling to come up with a plan. They are laser focused and determined not to hand their kids another disappointment in a year that has been filled with one after the other. I’ve put together this post with tips to Halloween safely with the hope that it will help you do just that.
I no longer have little ones at home and no grandchildren yet , but I still remember the excitement Halloween brought to my house growing up.

Halloweens of the past
Gone are the days when we would gather with friends getting ready for a long night ahead. Our parents would hand us a flashlight and a pillow case and we were off. The goal was always who could go the longest and who had the biggest pillow case at the end of the night.
When my own kids were small, times had changed enough that I didn’t feel comfortable just sending them out alone for hours on end. In the early years of course, we walked with them from house to house and waited by the street. As they grew older, us moms were always on the lookout and reported to each other their whereabouts. We might have even donned costumes ourselves a time or two and followed discreetly! We were moms! What can I say? The quest to Halloween safely is not new!
Halloween recent years
In recent years Trunk or Treat has been a favorite of kids and parents alike. Depending on your part of the country, this is still a good option. It always amazes me the cute ideas that people come up with to decorate their trunks. Piryam from Simple Joys shared this cute idea. You can read about it on her blog by clicking here.

Halloween 2020
The CDC has put out guidelines for safety measures for all the coming holiday celebrations. You can access it here. In addition, states as well as counties have put out their own as well. Depending on where you live, these vary greatly.
But when it comes to Halloween, the Halloween and Costume Association has updated their site for a year like none other. Their interactive website allows you to check the status of your county, check the current restrictions, and then offers ideas to Halloween safely. You can access their website by clicking on the logo below.

I’ve reached out to friends around the country to ask what their ideas are as well.
Halloween in the Southwest
With the beautiful weather in Arizona right now, outdoor activities are central in most areas. One friend said their neighborhood has put together a “You’ve Been Booed” party. The plan is to fill bags of goodies with a tag that says, “You’ve been booed!” Then take them to a friends home, ring the doorbell and run! Inside the bag, mixed in with the goodies, are clues as to who left it there. They are planning a zoom call after dark to see who correctly identified the Booer! Fun!

The West Coast
Another idea from California is a twilight hunt. The idea is to place glow in the dark stickers on buckets of candy and hide them around the neighborhood. Give the kids a flashlight and let them search for the treasures.
In Oregon, where health officials suggest avoiding traditional trick or treating activities, neighborhoods have come together to up their outdoor displays. They are planning to go all out with lights and spooky scenes. Families can put together their own treat bags and drive around to see the spectacular spooky sights in their neighborhoods and beyond.
The Southeast
Friends in Florida are going with traditional trick or treating with a 2020 twist. They are putting individual bags of candy in a basket on their porch with a sign to take one. Most plan to don their own costumes and will greet trick or treaters through the windows or doors of their homes.
Chas from Chascrazycreations.com came up with this cute idea! It’s a great way to do contactless trick or treating! You can click here for her fantastic tutorial to make your own Frankenstein. Make sure to spend some time on her blog. She has so many great ideas for Halloween decorations! Frankenstein is a great way to help everyone Halloween safely!

Midwest fun
Friends in Ohio are leaning more towards drive in plans. Several communities have designated areas for trick or treaters to go to for a drive by treat. They have decorated their recreation centers with spooky scenes and zombies, ghosts, and witches will be there to hand you a treat bag as you drive by.
The Northeast
Several communities in New York have set up mask contests. CDC guidelines encourage wearing the masks we wear most days rather then those that may come with a child’s costume. With that in mind, families are encouraged to let their children decorate a mask and then send in pictures to designated community judges. The pictures will be featured in local papers.
Halloween in the Heartland
One friend from Kansas City has organized a social distancing costume parade. The kids will parade through the neighborhood while parents drop bags of candy in their bags along the way. I’ve heard several areas have gone this route since popular Halloween parades all over the state have been cancelled this year.
Friends in Oklahoma will be spending Halloween visiting several different fire stations. They felt that was the safest way for the kids to trick or treat and who doesn’t love a visit to the firehouse?
Here in Colorado, most friends with little ones are playing it safe as well. They are driving to houses of friends and family to trick or treat. I have heard from several who will be visiting my home. I will be putting together individual bags of candy for each little visitor.
Originally, I thought I’d ease up on outdoor decor. I’m decked out for fall but I wasn’t sure how Halloween would be this year. Now that I know for certain that there will be trick or treaters at my house, I’ve had a change of heart! I’ll be spending time on changing up the front porch scene next week. I will also be dusting off my Halloween projector for those who will be driving by. My skeletons will be dancing in my upstairs window on Halloween night for sure this year!
However you have decided to celebrate Halloween this year, I hope it’s a great one! A night of fun is certainly well deserved right now. Can’t wait to see what creative ideas you all come up this year to Halloween safely in your neighborhood.
I hope you’ll join us as we decorate our way through the holidays. I’ll be adding my Christmas printables to the library soon as well. Sign up below for new ideas, printable art, recipes and holiday decorating trends sent directly to your inbox. While you are here, be sure to check out my latest post Styling A Fall Staircase. And… have a wonderful October!