It’s here! Welcome Spring! I had to look at the calendar though just to be sure! This is the view outside my window today!

But inside my home, it is most definitely Spring! I’ve been working on switching things over from Winter all week. I started with changing little things like my tiered trays. You can see them here…Styling your tiered tray for Spring.
There are so many ways to welcome spring into your home. Bunnies, flowers, birds nests, just to name a few. Any or all will lift your spirits and bring that awesome Spring feel to your home.
Welcome Spring to your home with bunnies
Bunnies are a staple of any spring decorating plan but where should you put them? The answer to that question is simple. Everywhere! Tables, trays, lanterns…just everywhere! When you think of bunnies, you think of Easter. When you think of Easter, you think of Spring. Sadly, the days of making bunny prints in flour dusted on my kitchen floor are over, but bunnies are still a big part of decorating at my house!
Welcome Spring to your home with bird nests
I love using birds nests in my spring decorating and you will find them in almost every room of my home. I tend to embellish them a bit with twigs and leaves left over from fall. This gives them a more realistic look but simply adding a few robin eggs is often enough.
This is the time of year when the birds outside are busy building their own nests. I was so fortunate to catch this little one’s very first flight from the nest last year! I’m hoping we will be as lucky this year!

Flowers and plants in spring decor
Nothing says “Welcome Spring” like a basket of flowers! Whether they be faux or real, they add so much to the season. As you can see above, Spring in Colorado can be quite cold early on. I try to stick with faux flowers for the most part but there are times when I simply can’t resist. I do find a pot of tulips or daffodils can thrive on my windowsill so occasionally I just have to give in! Still, a pretty pot of faux Spring flowers can brighten up a room just the same!
Spring branches displayed in vases, potted plants, and topiaries are also ways to showcase the season. I try to use several in my spring decor.
Printable Spring Art
Finally, Spring printables framed and displayed on tables or walls will finish things off and give you a home you will love all through the season. I have created quite a few in order to help you with that!
These and many others are available in my printable library. Sign up below for complete access!
So…while the snow is falling outside, inside the season is in full bloom! I’m working on my Spring home gallery and hope you will come by for another visit soon.
Welcome Spring! I’m so glad you’re here!