Although the days are speeding by, here in Colorado, our snowiest month is still ahead. With that in mind, I am fighting the urge to decorate for spring with all my might. To compensate, I’ve created some brand new winter printables to use and I’m sharing several with you today!
Continue reading “Um… It’s Still Winter! Free Winter Printables”How to Decorate a Balance Scale (Through the Seasons Series)
We all love a decor piece that we can use all year long. That stand out piece that packs such a punch. Today I’m sharing some ideas on how to decorate a balance scale through the seasons.
Continue reading “How to Decorate a Balance Scale (Through the Seasons Series)”Two Minute Do It Yourself Winter Candlestick Upcycle
The Christmas reds are packed away and we need a winter substitute. Gold, while great for the recent New Year’s Eve celebration, hardly screams winter. White is perfect in fabrics but where is that “wow” factor. Silver? Yes! Pull out those old silver candlesticks and I’ll show you a 2 Minute DIY Winter Candlestick Upcycle that you’ll absolutely love!
Continue reading “Two Minute Do It Yourself Winter Candlestick Upcycle”5 Easy Ways to Welcome Winter Into Your Home
Another Christmas has come and gone. The decorations that you painstakingly put up not that long ago have been carefully packed away again. The house looks incredibly bare and you’re asking yourself what now? Let’s take a look at 5 easy ways to welcome winter into your home.
Continue reading “5 Easy Ways to Welcome Winter Into Your Home”Decorating Ideas for a Cozy Winter Kitchen
With the kitchen being the heart of the home, a cozy winter kitchen is the focus here. I’ve got some great decorating ideas to help you accomplish just that!
Continue reading “Decorating Ideas for a Cozy Winter Kitchen”How to Create a Winter Wonderland Centerpiece
Whether you love winter or hate it, it’s here. Putting the cold aside, it is such a beautiful season. Let’s create a winter wonderland centerpiece to celebrate that beauty!
Continue reading “How to Create a Winter Wonderland Centerpiece”Cozy After Christmas Decorating Ideas
Decorating for the winter months is as easy as can be. Most of what you need is right there in front of you. So… Stop! Don’t put that away yet! I’ve got some after Christmas decorating ideas to share with you!
Continue reading “Cozy After Christmas Decorating Ideas”Celebrate the Season with Free Winter Printables
Creating a winter home is always a fun endeavor. Doing it without spending a dime is as good as it gets! So… Let’s celebrate the season with free winter printables!
Continue reading “Celebrate the Season with Free Winter Printables”How to Create a Warm, Welcoming, Winter Front Porch
It’s January and that means Santa must come down from his spot on the porch. Today I’m sharing ideas to help you create a warm, welcoming , front porch to take you through the winter season!
Aromatherapy for Winter

Winter is a beautiful season! Yet for so many the winter blues set in right about now. I hear you! It might be time to indulge in a little aromatherapy to help yourself get through the winter months!
Continue reading “Aromatherapy for Winter”