Companion planting with Herbs

Planting herbs in your vegetable garden can be very beneficial to your harvest. One of the main reasons to do companion planting with herbs is for pest control. The right herbs can help control the problem in a natural way.

These 8 herbs planted strategically throughout your garden will help you see a beautiful yield this year.


Tomatoes and basil have long been known as a “super couple.” Of course they go together in the kitchen but it turns out they go together in the garden as well. Some say basil planted near tomatoes makes the tomato sweeter. I cannot confirm that since I tend to experiment different varieties of tomatoes each year. I do not know if they are sweeter because of my basil plant. What I can confirm is that my yields are always better when basil is present. I believe that is because the basil repels mosquitos and files. Which in turn keeps the hornworms away which is just fine with me!


Lavender is a great companion plant for your vegetable garden. Its strong scent keeps rabbits and deer from devouring young plants before they can even begin to grow. Cabbage and broccoli benefit from lavender’s ability to repel cabbageworms as well. Perhaps as important as this herbs ability to repel wildlife and harmful insects, is its talent for attracting pollinators. Bees and butterflies are drawn to this plant which in turn produces a better yield for the lavender itself as well as the plants surrounding it. For ideas on what to do with all that lavender, check out this post by The Nerdy Farm Wife.


When planted with carrots, chives will take care of those pesky carrot flies. They are also a great way to enhance the flavor of the carrots. Cucumber plants also benefit when planted near chives. They will help send the cucumber beetle packing. But as beneficial as they are to carrots and cucumbers, they will stunt the growth of your peas and beans. Therefore, to reap the benefits of chives in the garden careful planning is required.


One of the best companion herb to almost everything in the vegetable garden is marjoram. It is very attractive to pollinators and does not rob the soil of the nutrients your vegetables need. Most gardeners insist marjoram stimulates the growth of neighboring plants. Since it is also a great companion in the kitchen to both meat and fish, there just isn’t a down side to this herb.


Another friend of almost everything in the garden is oregano. It helps immensely with pest control. This is mostly because it is a big attraction to lacewings which in turn is a predator of aphids and whiteflies, some of the most harmful garden pests. In addition, it produces much needed humidity to surrounding plants. Oregano is a must for companion planting with herbs.


Because it is known to encourage the growth of surrounding plants, parsley is the perfect companion for almost anything. It is especially beneficial when planted near asparagus. Growing asparagus is no easy feat. It is temperamental to say the least. Therefore, anything you can do to help it along is well worth it. Parsley stimulates growth but more importantly, it repels the number one enemy of healthy asparagus plants, the asparagus beetle.


One of the most important reasons to plant dill in the vegetable garden is its ability to attract the lady bug. Everyone knows that lady bugs are so beneficial to any vegetable garden but how do you get them there? The scent of dill can help you do just that. In turn, the lady bug will be the best natural pesticide you’ve ever had. With a steady diet of aphids, they will stay around and help your garden grow. Lettuce and other leafy plants will reap the rewards tenfold. Plant your dill near lettuce or cabbage to help ensure a healthier yield.


Planting rosemary near beans, cauliflower or kale can increase your yields tremendously. It repels cabbage loopers which benefits both cabbage and cauliflower. It is also known to repel the bean beetle which can single handedly destroy your crop. Since it has minimal nutrient needs from the soil, rosemary makes a great companion plant to your garden.

In conclusion, companion planting with herbs in your vegetable garden will increase your yields. Likewise, herbs planted in flower beds serve to enhance the beauty of your blooms. To learn more about herb gardening, please check out the post The Ten Best Herbs for Beginners.

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