This year Easter will be very different for all of us. Although I no longer have little ones at home, I’m well aware that so many things will change for those who do. With social distancing rules extended to the end of April, community Easter egg hunts are out of the question. In addition, big family gatherings at Grandma’s house will also remain off limits. I put together this Easter Scavenger Hunt with hopes that it might help you make the day as special as possible.
I have so many great memories of past Easter holidays. As a child and as a mom. I can remember running through the house every Easter morning, in search of my Easter basket. It was always so much fun! My parents came up with such good hiding places! The older my sisters and I were, the harder the hiding places became. I followed this tradition when I had kids of my own. Those times have become treasured memories for us all.
What You’ll Need for the Hunt
My Easter Scavenger Hunt begins with a card from the Easter Bunny left on your child’s pillow. I don’t know how it’s done at your house, but it was always impossible to put the basket search on hold for long. My kids seemed to wake at the crack of dawn each year. They would run to the kitchen to make sure that the Easter Bunny had come. They could tell instantly because we had dusted the floor with flour the night before. He couldn’t possibly get in and out without leaving paw prints somewhere. (They were always there!)
After a few half-hearted attempts to talk them into eating breakfast first, I always ended up giving in. I’m honestly not sure if they had more fun or if I did! I think waking to a letter from the Easter Bunny might be just the thing this year!
The card and clue sheet are available for all subscribers in the Printable Library. Simply click here, enter your password, download and print. If you haven’t joined us yet, please do! Your email entered in the blue form at the end of this post will have your password to you within minutes.
In addition you will need 11 plastic Easter eggs, 3 blue, 2 pink, 2 purple, 2 green, and 2 yellow.
Easter Bunny Card

Print the card on 8×10 paper and fold in half lengthwise first. Then fold again into quarters so the bunny is on the front and the basket is on the back.

Easter Scavenger Hunt – The Clues

The Clues for the hunt will print on page 2. There are 11 clues in addition to the first clue that was part of the Easter Bunny card. Fold it in half and cut the paper down the middle. Next cut along the perforated lines. Fold each clue and place it in a plastic egg. The color is indicated in the clues themselves.
The hiding places are not specific. They suggest the room to put the egg but the rest is up to you. That makes it easy to adjust them for different age groups.
Keep that in mind when you’re hiding the eggs. The bunny card will tell them to look for their first clue under a tree. If I was hiding one for my sweet little 3 year old, I would of course put it here.

If I was doing it for my 13 year old who might have just rolled her eyes at me about playing this “stupid” game, then I would probably do something more like this:

It would be quite fun for me to watch her searching under all the trees in the backyard knowing it is upstairs in my closet. But…your call. Likewise, since the last clue tells them their basket is in the place with wheels…I would put it in my little ones bike basket, or in the car. But for an older child, maybe in the slide out basket of the dishwasher.
It’s my hope that this little game might help make a memory for your family during a time that we’d all like to forget for the most part. Easter was, is, and will always be a joyous day. Maybe on this special day, we need to remember what Easter is really about and know, really know, that we will all get through this!
Happy Easter!