The holidays are over and this is always such a bittersweet time for me. I find it so hard to move on. I reflect on the memories of the year before and I’m usually reluctant to let it go. Not this year! I am ready! Ready for the new year and hopeful for all it will be. So today I am saying goodbye 2020, hello 2021!
The Christmas season looked a lot different this year. There were no big family gatherings. No Christmas concerts, no visits with friends or trips to warmer climates. No great memories to file away. But… thanks to a very special gift from my sister-in-law, I realized that I could still find a few reasons to feel grateful before I say goodbye 2020.
Every year, Diana gives us an ornament for our tree to go along with her gifts. Knowing our love of the ocean, they are usually something fun and beachy. A woody with a tree on top, a flip flop sign, and a parrot that has me singing Margaritaville every time I see it are just a few favorites from years past.
This year, however, she gave us exactly the ornament we needed.

The ornament itself was very pretty but I was a bit confused. I assumed the strips of paper were to fill the ornament but the meaning was lost on me. She told me that I should write the blessings from this year on the strips. The very fact that she was telling me this during a FaceTime call instead of in person, made that seem all the more absurd. But she told me to think about it for awhile and she gave me my first strip: Family.
Although we were celebrating Christmas by FaceTime, we were all here. Is there any greater blessing than that? We did not lose a family member this year like so many did. Both my children were right here under my roof. Yes, we were doing Christmas by phone with the rest of the family, but we were all still here. My heart breaks for everyone who could not do that. I pray 2021 brings some peace to those who have lost someone dear.

We saw friends of ours deal with a loss, fight the virus themselves, and suffer many hardships this year. I hope that we have done a good job of letting them know we are there for them. In this crazy year, I know many friendships fell by the wayside. Besides dealing with the pandemic, this was a year full of division for so many. Politics, civil unrest, to mask or not to mask… so many things that put us at odds. The friendships that survived all that are true blessings.

Home has always been important to me but I don’t think I realized to what extent until it became an actual sanctuary during lockdowns. Early in the year before we knew much about the virus, the fear of it was a bit overwhelming. Any time I ventured out I prayed I would make it home safely. Walking through the door again, knowing I was safe inside, is a feeling I will never take it for granted again. I pray that relief comes quickly for those who are in danger of losing theirs.

This one is not as odd as it sounds. I am talking about the essential workers that helped us stay safe through this year. The people that I do not know personally. The grocery store workers, the delivery drivers, and countless others. Those that from the very beginning were designated “essential workers.” They couldn’t be safe and stay home like I could. They would have lost their jobs, their livelihood. These are the people that I am ashamed to say, I didn’t appreciate.
I wondered how many times in the past that I went shopping without ever speaking to anyone. I would get my groceries, go through self checkout, and never even notice the people who were working around me. Likewise, the people who delivered all my orders to my door, I’m sorry! Thank you so very much!

Just one more…
Diana was right! I was given so many blessings this year. I am so grateful that through this pretty ornament, I was able to see that. Thank you Diana! You are and have always been one of my greatest blessings!
So as I say goodbye 2020, I do so with a grateful heart!
I have one more strip of paper. One more blessing to remember. YOU! You are that blessing. This little blog and all of you have helped me through this year. Although sometimes I struggled with how trivial a post was given everything going on in the news, I also hoped it might help take your mind off your worries as it did for me writing it. Thank you so much for being a part of my world!

I know there are so many people out there that have dealt with so much more than I have this year. I have also been amazed by the people who consistently step up to help out others in so many different ways. To find assistance in your area, a call to 2-1-1 can point you in the right direction. You can also go to 211.org as well.
So… Goodbye 2020! While I cannot say I’m sad to see you go, I accept that you taught me about what’s really important in life.
Hello 2021! I’m hopeful, a little bit wiser, and so ready to meet you!!
Ok, now I have tears running down my face and I have to find a tissue to blow my nose. I always know I am going to be impressed by your writing but instead, I am always blown away by the depth of it. Thank you for reminding me of my greatest blessings….
Thank you! Can’t even imagine my life without my bestie! When I’m counting my blessings…I always count you twice! Thanks for always being my “person!”
Another beautiful blog… “thoughtful and inspiring”!!
Thank you for your kind words, the “Blessing Ornament” was a gift given to me by a friend in 2019, but the impact of its meaning hit me in 2020!! I couldn’t imagine a better year to “I spy” the blessings we might have over looked, but that FILLED our year! A friend mentioned she put “new appreciations” on one of her little ornament papers she filled out for her ornament. Aren’t we ALL going to have a ‘new’ appreciation for EVERYTHING we took for granted prior to the pandemic?!
We are BLESSED !!!
We are! Thank you again for helping me to see that! This ornament will always be a treasure to me. Counting the days until we can really see each other again!
Definitely gives us a different perspective. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you Diane! I had to search to find a different perspective…the alternative was to look at 2020 as a wasted year and I just couldn’t accept that! That being said, I’m really glad to see it go!
I like the ornaments! Very nice of you to leave such a sweet treat for your delivery drivers! Thanks so much for linking up with me at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 20, open until January 26. Shared on social media.
Thanks so much Dee! Happy New Year!
I loved this post……Yes, this year isn’t what we expected and it changed the way we do things but there were still things to be happy about and to cherish…..including all that you mentioned as your strips of paper…..Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by!!
Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
Thanks so much Debbie! Have a wonderful weekend and Happy New Year to you and your family!
Great post. Reflective and positive! Hope 2021 is a great year for you.
Thank you Jeanne! Wishing you and yours a wonderful 2021 as well!
Me again!! Thanks so much for visiting again!!! We were in a draought at the end of the Summer but with several heavy rain storms and snow and ice storms, we are no longer in a drought….I always say that Mother Nature corrects herself…..
Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
Such a great post, Denise, wow! I love the way you’ve completely reframed the hardships of 2020 and turned them into things to be grateful for. I’m totally with you – I’ll never look at the front line workers in the same way again. They stepped up over and over again for months. It’s crazy to think about what they’re going through still to be honest. Cheers to unexpected surprises and the blessing of family and friends in 2021! I can’t wait to follow along on all your adventures, CoCo
Thanks so much CoCo! I’m so glad you came by! If I had to find just one word to take from 2020, it would be appreciative. I too have a whole new respect for and so much gratitude towards so many. I am so excited for the new year and although it will take time, I know this will be a much better year for all of us. Happy New Year to you and your family and I wish you continued success with your beautiful blog!