Christmas is almost here and you’ve been talking about getting a dog for the kids. Imagine the happiness on their little faces when they wake up Christmas morning! But.. is a puppy/kitten a good Christmas present? The answer to that question requires a lot of soul searching on your part and some important conversations.

I’ll be the first to admit, there just isn’t anything cuter than a puppy with a big red bow running out from behind the tree. When all the gifts are unwrapped but then you walk in with a kitten in a Christmas stocking… pure joy and what a photo op!

In a perfect world that joy would last well past Christmas morning. But what if that’s not the way it goes? What if that puppy doesn’t like kids at all. Suppose your older dog growls nonstop at the puppy or that adorable kitten thinks your brand new chair is scratching post. All plausible outcomes. So before you rush right in, here’s just a few of the things you might want to consider first.

Am I Ready?
First of all, stop thinking of any dog or cat as simply a “Christmas present.” They are a 10 to 20 year commitment on your part if it’s to be a gift for your child. We’ve all struck that deal, “OK, but they are your responsibility!” No matter how good their intentions are, that’s just not going to happen. Even if they are willing, school, sports, and social activities will still come into play.
Our kids are grown and both are wonderful pet parents… now. Do I remember them offering to clean up after the dogs in their teen years? Not so much!
The point is, there needs to be some soul searching within yourself. There will be a lot of slack to pick up that most likely will fall to you.
A Gift of Companionship or…
If your gift is a companion for an aging friend or parent maybe rethink the surprise thing. Taking on a pet and all that comes with it is a big decision and the bottom line… it really isn’t yours to make.
I remember fighting that urge to give Mom a kitten one year not long after my Dad had passed away. She had always loved cats and in my mind, that was exactly what she needed. Luckily, I fought that urge and sat down to talk with her about it instead.

She told me that she might decide to travel again. Finding someone to care for a cat while she was away would be stressful. She explained that even at that point, she found it hard to be at home without Dad. Most days she would leave early and return late and would feel guilty leaving a kitty alone that much. She was planning on downsizing too and there were more than a few places she was considering where pets were not welcome. That all made perfect sense to me.
I realized after that conversation that had I given her a cat, she would have graciously accepted. Instead of giving her what I thought would be the perfect solution to her loneliness, I would have compounded her grief with a new set of problems.
So you see, giving someone a pet is not always the blessing you think it will be. Surprises are overrated. Have that conversation!
A Puppy, Kitten, Dog or Cat?
Whoever you are thinking of buying a pet for most likely has a preference. I love them all but I have several friends that wouldn’t have a clue what to do with a new puppy. ( Yet at the moment, a few of them are just one cat away from earning the title of “Crazy Cat Lady.” ) At any rate, this is a great starting point for an important conversation.
Maybe an older dog or cat is better suited to their lifestyle? That’s something else to consider.


I guess the first question if considering a puppy might be what breed should we get? There are so many to choose from and so much to think about! For instance, a Husky might not be the best choice for your newly married daughter who lives in an apartment and is busy 24/7. They need a lot exercise and will make their own if you don’t comply. At the same time, a little Yorkie probably isn’t the perfect pet for your son who goes hiking every chance he gets. Unless he’s carrying her, it will be the shortest hike on record!

There are breeds that are known to be great with the little ones. Some were even bred to help with babysitting. There are others that will choose one member of the family to cling to and want nothing to do with the kids at all. So… DO YOUR RESEARCH!
Know that that adorable little kitten is most definitely going to grow into a cat. Still adorable but there are some questions you’ll want to answer here too. Will this kitty be an indoor cat, safe from predators, or does the thought of having a litter box in your spotless home send shivers down your spine? Can a scratching post work into your decor or are you willing to risk a piece of furniture? Again… DO YOUR RESEARCH!

Pound Puppy, Rescue, or Registered
This is such a personal choice. For me, I believe our pound puppies and rescues are always the best. It’s like they know you saved them and they are determined to save you right back. If you’re a pet owner now, you know that your darkest days are made so much better by cuddling with your fur baby.
So when considering the question is a puppy/kitten a good Christmas present, consider the good as well as the bad.
Support Your Local Shelters
Chances are, the cute little dog in that cage you’re looking at was someone else’s Christmas present last year. He was probably returned on the same day they took back that awful blouse from Aunt Mary. If considering a shelter dog or cat, there are a few things to ponder here too.
With the shelters at their max, adoption is always a good way to go. If a dog/cat was dropped off by someone, they might have a history on file but 9 times out of 10, they won’t. So again, DO YOUR RESEARCH! Go spend time with them. Take the kids or the family pet. Do your best to make sure they will all get along and be willing to work to help make that happen.

Who Rescued Who?
If you’ve determined the breed of a dog or cat you’re set on, you might consider further research into breed rescues. There are so many amazing people out there that are dedicated to caring for a specific breed. They know them inside and out and love them completely.
We are hopelessly in love with Dachshunds. Both of ours were rescue pups. They were taken in by the rescue when the people who originally bought them from a breeder did NOT do their research.
Dachshunds are as stubborn as can be. They can hear a butterfly go by the window but somehow can never hear the “no” you just said. Potty training will likely be the most frustrating experience of your life and if you leave your bed for any reason they will burrow into your spot instantly.

But… for all their faults, they are incredibly funny & loyal, and to us, they are the sweetest little dogs ever.
There are all breed rescues too that actively go out and save these precious creatures from bad situations. We have two that came into our lives from intolerable conditions. They stole our hearts instantly and we are truly blessed to have found them.

God has a special place in heaven for the people willing to put in the time and the work involved in operating a rescue!
There are many wonderful breeders for almost any type of dog or cat. Purchasing a pet from a breeder will give you the pet you want as well as the paperwork you might need. If your goal is to enter shows or you’re hoping to get into breeding yourself, your pet will need credentials. However, here is another choice where you really need to DO YOUR RESEARCH! Make absolutely sure that you are purchasing from a reputable breeder and not unknowingly supporting a puppy mill.
Part of the Family
If you follow the blog then you are aware that our little dachshund, Cooper, is recovering from a severe back injury. ( Thanks so much to all of you who have reached out and sent good wishes and prayers our way! )

He is making great progress and is now able to move one leg normally and trying hard to control the other. We have just ordered a life vest and once we get the go ahead from our vet, we’ll be encouraging dog paddling in the bathtub. One day at a time from there!
Our fur babies have always been a part of the family. I believe that’s how it is for most people and how it should be for all those considering bringing one home. So the commitment made has to be complete.
Health care for a dog or cat is every bit as expensive as it is for you or me. Just one more thing to consider. If you’re still thinking of surprising someone with a cuddly little present, you might want to add some pet insurance as well. DO YOUR RESEARCH. It is not all created equal. Pet insurance has a lot of fine print that you actually need to read.
In Conclusion
The love between a human and their pet can be one of the greatest loves of all. But everyone has to be all in. I believe the choice to bring a pet into someone else’s life is something that needs a lot of thought, a lot of soul searching, and a lot of conversation.
Giving a dog or cat a forever home is always a gift to both of you anytime of year. We have 5 in our family, all dogs at the moment. For as much love as we give them, they pay it back 10 times over.

So is a puppy/kitten a good Christmas present? They can be but please… DO YOUR RESEARCH!

Before you leave today, be sure to stop by and check out my latest post, Free Holiday Printables to Brighten Up the Season. You’ll find a few there that might be the perfect gift for the pet lovers in your life! They are available to all subscribers in the Printable Library through the season.

Haven’t joined us yet? Please do! Your email in the form below will add you to the list. You’ll have immediate access to everything in the Printable Library and I’ll keep you up to date on everything happening at My Home of All Seasons all year long!
See you soon!
Love this post! Some very valuable and thoughtful “points to ponder”.
Thanks so much Rhonda!
Lots of good questions. Kids always want a pet but then the parents end up taking care of it. At least that’s what I’ve observed. Pets are a lot of work and require needs that not everyone can give. Everyone cannot be a good pet parent. I’ve seen it with family and friends. Mostly dogs who are not properly taken care of. Makes me sad. Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 92. Shared.
Thanks Dee. I was trying to stay off my soap box on this post but I’m not sure I pulled that off. You’re right though, there are a lot of people out that just cannot be a good pet parent for one reason or another. I thought maybe I could point out the things that they might have overlooked while considering bringing one into their homes. Thanks for stopping by!
Nothing wrong with a soap box 🙂 Sometimes you just gotta say it, you know?
I agree but I’m not sure my hubby would lol!
CONGRATS Denise! Your post is FEATURED at the Unlimited Link Party 93!
Thanks so much Dee!