If you’re like us, there is no such thing as a pet. There is only the extension of the family. We adopt a cat or dog, love them with all our hearts, and one day, always way too soon, we have to say goodbye. The greatest gift we can give them is letting go when we know it’s the right thing.

Several weeks ago, I picked up the phone for my almost daily visit with our daughter, Katie. Hearing her voice I instantly knew that something was wrong. The day we had all been dreading had arrived and the time had come to let go of a beloved member of our family, Brody.

You might remember that we cancelled Katie’s trip home for Christmas as her aging dog was in a bad way. Like me, Christmas is her favorite time of year and I remember praying so hard that he would make it through the season. He spent Christmas Eve with the vet and recovered enough to come home the next day. We were so grateful as he steadily improved but we all knew that most likely, it was the beginning of the end.
Brody was larger than life, literally! He was starting to show his age when saw him last but he still loved the beach, the occasional hike, and playing with his little brother, Poco.

But a few days after his 11th birthday, he told Katie it was time to go. Since he could not stand or handle the stairs of her apartment, we decided to have a vet come to him. We found one who could be there that afternoon. I know it was the longest day of her life.
When they finally arrived, we stayed on the phone with her through it all. My heart shattered in a million pieces when the doctor asked if she was ready for him to administer the final shot. Although she could barely speak through the tears, I heard her whisper to me, “Am I doing the right thing, Mom?” I knew that all she wanted in the whole world was for me to say, “STOP!” But of course, I couldn’t. She was giving Brody the final gift of letting him go.
She was completely lost for weeks afterwards. He was her constant companion, her protector, her first child really. It became apparent that Poco was grieving too. He would barely eat and the playfulness that he’s always been known for was gone. Her heart wasn’t ready but Poco needed someone to be there when she finally returned to work. I told her that of course, Brody was irreplaceable, but it was his legacy to make sure another rescue had a life as good as his had been.

Katie searched the shelters online but her soul wasn’t in it. Finally, one afternoon she stopped in at a shelter she was driving by. I believe it was Brody who steered her there. Then…. this little boy seemed to call her name.

Meet Archer! They believe he is a little less than a year old… still very much a puppy. He has needed a bit of training but he is a quick learner. Poco has accepted him and they are on their way to being best buds. I get daily updates and I can’t wait to meet him someday soon.

He has quickly settled into his new home. More importantly, he has found his way into Katie’s broken heart.

Welcome beautiful boy!
I very much believe in the Rainbow Bridge and I have no doubt that Katie and Brody, will meet again. I know God has a special place in heaven for these selfless, loving, creatures.
For anyone going through this right now, the print below is for you. You are in our prayers tonight!!
If you’d like to download Waiting at the Door, simply click on the picture above. The poem will print as a 4×4 without the frame that I used for display purposes. I hope the words will provide comfort for you or anyone you know who is struggling with letting go.
thinking of katie and you at this time..Archer is adorable..i know brody is happy katie and poco are giving love to him as he will give back huggzz
Thank you Gail! Very tough time but having Archer join the family is making it better. I can’t wait to meet him!
Thanks for the sweet story and printable, hugs to you and Katie! We too are enjoying our last days with our sweet black retriever. We know he’ll be waiting for us in Heaven too, along with all our other beloved fur souls! What a day that will be!
You’re so welcome Gayleen! It is incredibly hard to say goodbye to our fur babies! It will help though to look back and know that you gave your retriever a wonderful life. The knowledge that they will be all be waiting for us is so comforting.