Valentine’s Day Printables/DIY Projects

With February right around the corner, I’m thinking about the Valentine’s Day holiday. I have never done much decorating for the day itself. It’s not that I don’t like it… I do! It’s just the timing. This time of year, having just packed away Christmas and with my winter decor completed, I’m never in the mood to change things so soon. But this year, it just feels right! I mean, who couldn’t use more love in their life right now??? I think we all could so that is my focus this week. As always, I will start with some Valentine’s Day printables.

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Favorite Posts of 2020

With 2021 finally here, I still find myself trying to come to terms with 2020. The blog kept me busy through the year but there were so many times that I struggled with the content. Writing about trivial things like how to style a sofa table seemed absolutely crazy when I would finally sit down to watch the nightly news. But I forged ahead hoping that at the very least, my post would offer someone a bit of a distraction from their troubles. With that hope still in my heart, I decided to look back and see what your favorite posts of 2020 were.

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How to put together a winter tiered tray

Everything Christmas has finally been packed away! However, I’ve kept out several elements to use for my winter home. Trees, greenery, and anything with a snowflake on it will do nicely! With that in mind, I’m using some of my favorites to bring a little bit of the winter season inside. Today’s post is all about how to put together a winter tiered tray.

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Welcome Winter

Here we are… celebrating another new year. I have to keep reminding myself that while the calendar will change, not much else will. At least not right away. However, just knowing that sometime this year, we will return to some semblance of normal makes me so excited! Meanwhile… it is time to welcome winter and start a new year in My Home of All Seasons!

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